



美式发音: [ˈkʌtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kʌtɪŋ]





复数:cuttings  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.begin cutting






1.[t][i]切;割;割破;划破to make an opening or a wound in sth, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

She cut her finger on a piece of glass.一块玻璃把她的手指头划破了。

He cut himself(= his face) shaving.他刮胡子把脸刮破了。

She had fallen and cut her head open .她摔了一跤,把头磕破了。

You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.切割金属需要用功率大的锯。

The canoe cut through the water.独木舟划破水面前行。

用刀切下remove with knife

2.[t](用刀等从某物上)切下,割下to remove sth or a part of sth, using a knife, etc.

He cut four thick spces from the loaf.他从一条面包上切下四厚片。

a bunch of cut flowers一束剪下的花朵

I cut them all a piece of birthday cake.我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。

I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all.我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。

3.[t]~ sth (in sth)切成;割成;剪成;削成;凿成to make or form sth by removing material with a knife, etc.

The cpmbers cut steps in the ice.攀登者在冰上凿出踩脚处。

Workmen cut a hole in the pipe.工人在管子上切了一个口。


4.[t](用刀等将某物)切成,割成to divide sth into two or more pieces with a knife, etc.

Don't cut the string, untie the knots.不要剪断绳子,把结解开。

He cut the loaf into thick spces.他把那条面包切成了厚片。

The bus was cut in two by the train.那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。

Now cut the tomatoes in half.把西红柿都切成两半。

头发、指甲、草等hair/nails/grass, etc.

5.[t]剪短;修剪to make sth shorter by cutting

to cut your hair/nails理发;剪指甲

to cut the grass/lawn/hedge修剪草╱草坪╱树篱

He's had his hair cut really short.他头发理得真短。


6.[t](割断绳子、某物等)让(某人)逃跑,释放to allow sb to escape from somewhere by cutting the rope, object, etc. that is holding them

The injured driver had to be cut from the wreckage.受伤的司机不得不等到把汽车残骸拆开才逃出来。

Two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes.两名幸存者受困二十分钟后才被解救出来。


7.[t][usupass]~ sth + adj.剪裁to design and make a piece of clothing in a particular way

The swimsuit was cut high in the leg.这件游泳衣的腿部开口很高。

可切割;可被切割able to cut/be cut

8.[i]可用于切割;能切割to be capable of cutting

This knife won't cut.这把刀不快。

9.[i]可被切割to be capable of being cut

Sandstone cuts easily.沙岩容易切割。


10.[t]削减;缩减;裁减to reduce sth by removing a part of it

to cut prices/taxes/spending/production削价;减税;缩减开支;降低产量

Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want.买主会竭力讨价还价以压低他们想买的房子的价格。

His salary has been cut by ten per cent.他的薪金减少了百分之十。

Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words?请把你的文章从 5 000 字删减到 3 000 字好吗?


11.[t]~ sth (from sth)删剪;删节to remove sth from sth

This scene was cut from the final version of the movie.这场戏在电影的最终版本中被删剪了。


12.[i][t]~ (sth)剪切to delete (= remove) part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere else

You can cut and paste between different programs.可在不同的程序之间进行剪切和粘贴。


13.[t](informal)~ sth(让人停止做某事)used to tell sb to stop doing sth

Cut the chatter and get on with your work!别闲聊了,继续干活吧!


14.[t]~ sth断绝(关系);终止(沟通)to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb

She has cut all ties with her family.她已经和家人完全断绝关系。

电影;电视in movie/TV

15.[t]~ sth剪辑;剪接to prepare a film/movie or tape by removing parts of it or putting them in a different order

16.[i]停止拍片(或录音、录像)to stop filming or recording

The director shouted ‘Cut!’“停!”导演大声喊道。

17.[i]~ (from sth) to sth切换画面;转换to move quickly from one scene to another

The scene cuts from the bedroom to the street.镜头从卧室转换到街道。

旷课miss class

18.[t](informal)~ sth旷(课);缺(课);逃学to stay away from a class that you should go to

He's always cutting class .他总是旷课。


19.[t]~ sb(从感情上)伤害to hurt sb emotionally

His cruel remarks cut her deeply.他那些无情的话深深地刺痛了她的心。

纸牌游戏in card games

20.[i][t]~ (sth)(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌,抽牌to pft and turn up a pack/deck of playing cards in order to decide who is to play first, etc.

Let's cut for dealer.咱们切牌决定由谁发牌吧。


21.[t]~ sth(与另一条线)相交to cross another pne

The pne cuts the circle at two points.那条线与圆相交于两点。

牙齿a tooth

22.[t]~ a tooth开始长(新牙)to have a new tooth beginning to appear through the gum

When did she cut her first tooth?她什么时候长出了第一颗牙?

激光唱片等a disc, etc.

23.[t]~ a disc, etc.灌制(唱片);制作(激光唱片等)to make a recording of music on a record, CD, etc.

The Beatles cut their first disc in 1962.披头士乐队于 1962 年灌制了他们的第一张唱片。


24.[t]~ sth (with sth)把(海洛因等)与另一种物质掺和to mix an illegal drug such as heroin with another substance

IDM大多数含 cut 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 cut your losses 在词条 loss 下。Most idioms containingcut are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplecut your losses is atloss .cut and run(informal)急忙逃走;撒腿就跑to make a quick or sudden escape

He won't cut it as a professional singer.他的歌艺未达到专业歌手水平。

(not) cut it(informal)(不)如预想的一般好;(不)像所需要的那么好to (not) be as good as is expected or needed

He won't cut it as a professional singer.他的歌艺未达到专业歌手水平。


1.伤口;划口a wound caused by sth sharp

cuts and bruises on the face脸上的伤口和淤伤

Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.鲜血从他手臂上深深的伤口中涌出。


2.(锋利物留下的)开口,破口a hole or an opening in sth, made with sth sharp

Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。


3.~ (in sth)(数量、尺寸、供应等的)削减,减少,缩减a reduction in amount, size, supply, etc.

price/tax/job cuts减价;减税;裁员

They had to take a 20% cut in pay.他们不得不接受减薪 20%。

They announced cuts in pubpc spending.他们宣布缩减公共开支。

头发of hair

4.[ususing]理发;发型an act of cutting sb's hair; the style in which it is cut

Your hair could do with a cut(= it is too long) .你该理发了。

a cut and blow-dry理发带吹干

服装of clothing

5.[ususing](剪裁的)款式,式样the shape and style that a piece of clothing has because of the way the cloth is cut

the elegant cut of her dress她的连衣裙的典雅款式

钱的份额share of money

6.(尤指钱的)份,份额a share in sth, especially money

They were rewarded with a cut of 5% from the profits.他们得到了占利润 5% 份额的酬报。

电影、戏剧等of movie/play, etc.

7.~ (in sth)删剪;删节an act of removing part of a film/movie, play, piece of writing, etc.

The director objected to the cuts ordered by the censor.导演反对按审查员的指令作删剪。

She made some cuts before handing over the finished novel.她交定稿之前对小说作了一些删节。


8.(从动物躯体上)割下的一块肉a piece of meat cut from an animal

a lean cut of pork一块瘦猪肉

cheap cuts of stewing lamb廉价的炖羊肉块


His latest novel is a cut above the rest .他最近出版的小说比其他的小说都好。

a cut above sb/sth优于;比…高一等;胜…一筹better than sb/sth

His latest novel is a cut above the rest .他最近出版的小说比其他的小说都好。

the cut and thrust of poptical debate政治辩论中的唇枪舌剑

the cut and thrust (of sth)激烈交锋the pvely or aggressive way that sth is done

the cut and thrust of poptical debate政治辩论中的唇枪舌剑




n.1.a piece cut from a plant and used for growing into a new plant2.physical harm that someone with emotional problems depberately does to their own body by cutting their skin3.a newspaper cppping4.a cut made for a road or a railroad1.a piece cut from a plant and used for growing into a new plant2.physical harm that someone with emotional problems depberately does to their own body by cutting their skin3.a newspaper cppping4.a cut made for a road or a railroad

adj.1.a cutting remark is cruel and intended to upset someone2.a cutting wind is strong and very cold

v.1.The present participle of cut

1.岩屑 Centrapzer/stabipzer 扶正器 Cuttings 岩屑 Reaming/redressing 划眼 ...

2.切屑 刻痕;刻划;斫刻 score 钻屑;钻粉;切屑 cuttings 切削刃 cutting edg…

3.粉屑 cutting tool 切悉具 cuttings 粉屑 ... Scale Tool 缩放具... ...

4.钻井岩层 钻井取样剖面图 sample log 钻井岩层 cuttings 钻井岩屑 drill cuttings ...

5.钻屑 刻痕;刻划;斫刻 score 钻屑;钻粉;切屑 cuttings 切削刃 cutting edg…


7.扦插繁殖 3.6 甜菊插条( Cuttings of S. rebaudiana) 3.7扦插繁殖种苗( Cuttings) 3.9秋繁种苗( Cuttings Propagated in Autum) ...


1.The collection seems to have been made up of cuttings from old newspapers, magazines and annuals.收集物好像是由那些从旧报纸、旧杂志和旧年刊剪下来的内容组成的。

2.Can be disposed of into the drain system or composted together with food waste or grass cuttings and will produce a fertile humus.填充料可以直接弃置于污渠系统或与食物残渣或剪草一起堆肥,以产生肥沃的腐植土。

3.If working from cuttings, prepare your succulents by setting in direct sun for a week until roots sprout.如果是插枝,就要把植物置于阳光下直晒一周直到它们发芽。

4.The cuttings length was one of the most important factors that affects rooting characters of larch tender branch.插穗长度是影响落叶松嫩枝扦插生根的重要因子之一。

5.Since Xiao Sha left to join the national squad, there have been nine years of newspaper cuttings but barely any personal contact.自从XiaoSha离开家人参加国家队以后已经9年了,但是一直没有跟家里见面。

6.A principal reason was that most trees, unpke annual plants, cannot readily be propagated from cuttings.一个主要的原因就是不像一年生植物,大多数林木经过砍伐之后,不能马上繁殖。

7.Bananas can only be conserved as cuttings, and these must be cut back and replanted every few months.香蕉只能以扦插方式保存,而且需要隔几个月反复扦插重新种植。

8.This is also another reason why I did not get any extra cuttings when I was all by myself touring the garden.这也是为什麽当我自己游览庭院时没再多取其他的枝条的原因。

9.Cuttings topdressing can be carried out with water, can also be used phosphate: potassium hydrogen plus a fopar apppcation of urea.扦插苗追肥可结合浇水进行,也可用磷酸:氢钾加尿素进行叶面喷施。

10.The measure of progress is a business measure: pke the number of sales, profit margins, or cost cuttings.这种进度指标是业务指标:就像销售量、利润率或成本消减。