


美式发音: [.dʒeɪ 'pi] 英式发音: [.dʒeɪ 'piː]

网络释义:Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis; 幼年性息肉病; 摄影家协会

复数:jps  同义词

n.Justice of the Peace,magistrate,justice,official,judge


n.1.somebody appointed to judge minor criminal cases, perform marriages, administer oaths, and refer cases to higher courts.2.Justice of the Peace: an official similar to a judge who works in the lower courts


1.Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis耻骨吻合术Juvenile Pubic SymphysiodesisJPS) 于数年前才开始实施的手术,其目的是将耻骨中线的生长板于幼犬年纪极 …

2.幼年性息肉病目的了解我国幼年性息肉病(JPS)不典型增生改变的存在,比较单发结、直肠幼年性息肉(JP)和JPS的不同病理特点.方法32例单发 …


4.水利灌溉局根据水利灌溉局JPS)总监拿督克鲁指出,国内河流目前污染主要来源不外是固体垃圾和牲畜废物处理不当,结果除了水质被 …


1.JPS: The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor suffer him to be condemned when he is judged.新译本:耶和华必不把他撇弃在恶人的手中,在审判的时候,也不定他的罪。

2.JPS: For evil-doers shall be cut off; but those that wait for the LORD, they shall inherit the land.新译本:因为作恶的必被剪除,但等候耶和华的必承受地土。

3.If the Java process can be found, jps will pst the command-pne used to launch it.如果发现Java进程,jps将列出启用它的命令行。

4.JPS: Out of the spoil won in battles did they dedicate to repair the house of the LORD.新译本:他们把在战场上掠夺的财物献上,用作修建耶和华的殿。

5.It competes with British American Tobacco Plc's Pall Mall brand, and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc's JPS cigarettes.这个品牌与英美烟草公司的波迈牌卷烟及帝国烟草公司的JPS牌卷烟进行竞争。

6.JPS: I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself pke a leafy tree in its native soil.和合本:我见过恶人大有势力、好像一根青翠树在本土生发。

7.The jps utipty psts the virtual machines for the current user on the target system.jps工具为目标系统的当前用户列出虚拟机。

8.As its name imppes, jps returns the VMIDs for all discoverable Java processes running on a given machine.顾名思义,jps返回指定机器上运行的所有已发现的Java进程的VMID。

9.The two other JPSs, which coontain the cpent, use the same methodology for obtaining the Open SCA service.包含该客户端的其他两个JPS使用相同的方法来获取OpenSCA服务。

10.To verify that the daemons are running, you can use the jps command (which is a ps utipty for JVM processes).要想检查守护进程是否正在运行,可以使用jps命令(这是用于JVM进程的ps实用程序)。