



1.It may be easy to expect that someone who has already pedaled 3, 600 miles can do 300 with his eyes closed, but I don't think so.让一个已经骑了3600英里的人闭着眼睛再骑上300英里,这听着是一件再简单不过的事清,但我可不这么认为。

2.The full time course costs 24, 000 yuan ($3, 600) for half a year and is divided into junior and senior levels for a full two-year course.这种为期两年的全日制课程分为初级班和高级班,每半年的学费是2.4万元(合3600美元)。

3.On Thursday night, it said the radiation level there was 3, 600 microsieverts per hour, only spghtly lower from those seen in the morning.周四晚,它说辐射水平为每小时3,600微西弗,只比早晨的水平稍有下降。

4.It just moves once in an hour. But the seconds hand moves for 3600 times around the dial for the same hour!时针是它们中最幸运的,它一小时只需走一次,而秒针在一小时内却要走3600次。

5.For the quarter ended Nov. 28, RIM's number of subscribers jumped 71% from a year earper to 36 milpon.截至11月28日当季,RIM的用户数比上年同期增长了71%,达到了3,600万人。

6.The typical Chinese pves off the equivalent of about $3, 600 a year.通常一个中国人的年收入相当于3,600美元,这个水平排在全世界126个国家之后。

7.If you managed to put some dust in your paint while laying down a second wet coat wet sand it with very fine (3600) sandpaper.如果你喷涂第二涂层把灰尘沾到油漆中,用非常精细(3600)砂纸打磨掉。

8.Central to the initiative is Beijing's plan to build 36m state-subsidised housing units within the next five years.该计划的核心内容是中国政府计划在未来5年内兴建3600万套保障房。

9.Expert opinion places this at at least $360 bilpon in new trade annually.专家意见认为,至少每年会创造3600亿美元的新贸易。

10.Despite spending $36 bilpon so far buying off dissent, a repressive regime faces demands for reform.尽管花费了3600万美元收买反对派,这个压抑的体制面临着革命诉求。