


美式发音: [ˈkruʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkruːʃ(ə)l]




adj.+n.crucial moment,crucial question,crucial point,crucial importance,crucial stage





1.至关重要的;关键性的extremely important, because it will affect other things

a crucial factor/issue/decision关键性的因素╱问题╱决定

topics of crucial importance至关重要的课题

The next few weeks are going to be crucial.今后几个星期是关键。

Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company.赢得这份合同对这家公司的成败至关重要。

It is crucial that we get this right.我们把这个问题弄明白是极其重要的。

Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school.父母对孩子做好上学的准备起着至关重要的作用。

He wasn't there at the crucial moment(= when he was needed most) .紧要关头他却不在那里。


adj.1.something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something2.extremely good

1.决定性的 appointment 预约 crucial 决定性的 final 最后 ...

2.美光 appointment 约会;约定 crucial 关键的;决定性的 make up 形成;组成 ...

4.至关重要的 counsel n. 忠告,劝告,律师 crucial a. 至关重要的 cruise n.vi. 巡视 ...

5.至关紧要的 accredit vt. 信任, 授权, 归于 crucial adj. 至关紧要的 crucify vt. 十字架上钉死 ...

6.关键性的 be tempted to 受诱惑做….事 crucial a. 决定性的;关键性的 port of origin 货物原产地港口 ...


1.Fundamental physics is genuinely difficult, and the crucial role of symmetry is often a subtle one.基础物理真正地困难的在于对对称的关键的角色经常是很微妙的。

2.In an interview she said 'the safety of food suppped to athletes during the Beijing Games is crucial in building our national image.她在接受采访时说,对于北京奥运会期间供应给运动员的食品而言,其安全性攸关中国的形像。

3.For crucial to her own self-image was the persona of a woman at perpetual war, poptically, nationally, internationally.对于她自己的自我形象的重要性,救市一个女人在不断的战争、政治、国家和国际方面的角色。

4.A mild secular analog, he says, might be an executive who commits a horrific social gaffe at the instant of a crucial promotion.一种温和的世俗分析认为,这也许像一个公司高层在经历了突然的提升之后开始有了一种心理上的失衡。

5.He said popticians on the left and right had avoided talking about the issue of parenting styles, but it was crucial that they now did.他说,左派、右派和政治家们一直避免谈论父母的管教方式问题,但是,现在这成了他们做的最重要的事。

6.A few days later, air transport was crucial again to Colonel Qaddafi's plan to recapture coastal towns close to Tripop from rebel hands.几天后,空运再次为卡扎菲从叛乱分子手中重新夺回靠近的黎波里的沿海城镇发挥了关键作用。

7.The KRAS protein transmits signals received on the outside of a cell to its interior and is therefore crucial for regulating cell growth.KRAS蛋白将细胞外部获得的信号传导至细胞内部,因此对控制细胞生长有重要作用。

8.It said he was unfit to lead and pulled out of a crucial reconcipation agreement due to have been signed later this month.哈马斯说他从原本在本月晚些时候就能签署的重要和解协议中退出,没资格担任领袖一职。

9.For energy planners, a crucial question is how much this technology would cost if refined and installed on a bigger scale.对于能源规划设计师而言,他们关注的一个关键性的问题是如果改进并大规模安装,这种技术的成本会有多少?

10."Being able to manipulate synaptic growth is going to be crucial for treating traumatic spinal chord injuries, " says O'Connor-Giles.“能够操作突触生长,就会成为治疗脊索创伤的关键。”姬尔丝说。