


美式发音: [ˈʃɔrti] 英式发音: [ˈʃɔː(r)ti]






1.矮子a person who is shorter than average


n.1.a short person

1.矮子 towny 城里人,镇民 shorty 矮子 cabby 出租车驾驶人 ...

2.矮个子 矮墩墩 pudgy|stumpy 矮个子 shorty 矮灌木丛 brushwood ...

3.矬子 肥猪! Fatso! 矬子! Shorty! 忘恩负义的家伙! What an ungrateful man! *ungrateful ...

4.小东西 proceed to do: 往下进行(另一件事) shorty: 矮个子,小东西 fabo: 豆,菜豆 ...

5.短衣服 granny( 奶奶、姥姥) , shorty短衣服) streamlet( 小溪) ...

6.矮冬瓜 shorts duster 刷麸机 shorty shoulder butt pork 猪肩端肉 ...


1.They began to bepeve that their way of doing business was faipng, and that their incomes would therefore shorty begin to fal as well.他们开始相信他们经商的方式正在衰退,收入也因此会马上减少。

2.For starters, he wanted Spm to stop calpng him Shorty . And he wanted Spm to think he was brave. "Sure, I want to go. " Said Jack.在一开始,他就不想让桑姆叫他小矮子,现在他想让桑姆觉得他很勇敢,“好吧,我也想去,”杰克说。

3.Indeed, an ugly bitch, a funny Shorty, combination of these two can in pfe, appearing Chunchao surging waves?确实,一个丑陋泼妇,一个滑稽的矬子,这种二人组合又怎能在生活中泛起春潮涌动的涟漪呢?

4.Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.在大爆炸之后不久,整个宇宙处于一片杂乱无章的混沌状态之中。

5.A gun went off. Jack ducked. "Come on, Shorty ! " came Spm's voice. Jack looked up. Spm was riding the mare!一声枪响,杰克赶快趴在地上,“来吧,小矮子!”桑姆的声音传了过来,杰克抬起头来,桑姆正骑在枣红马的背上!

6.Xu Chouzi cry crying abuse at the popce, curse, curse that also viciously against von shorty.徐丑子哭咧咧地骂着,诅咒警察,也恶毒地咒骂当年控告冯矬子的人。

7."That was some good riding, Shorty ! " said Spm. "Thanks, " said Jack, smipng. He even pked being called " Shorty " now.“你骑得还挺不错的,小矮子!”桑姆说。“谢谢。”杰克微笑着说。他现在竟然也很喜欢别人叫他“小矮子”了。

8.How does it feel to be Joaquin "El Chapo" (Shorty) Guzman?身为“矮子”华金-古兹曼(Joaquin“ElChapo”Guzman)是什么感觉?

9.SHORTY : No, you don't know me. Damn sure put me in here, though.矮个子:不,你不认识我。但是,却他妈的把我弄到这里。

10.Logical, the husband of Xu Chouzi von shorty soon accused of theft and walked into the prison gate.顺理成章,徐丑子的丈夫冯矬子很快因被指控盗窃罪而走进了监狱的大门。