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网络释义:烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide);辅酶烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸;网络接入设备(network access device)



n.1.a coenzyme that plays a role in the electron transport chain, where it is vital in the production of energy.

1.烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) BROMOPHENOL BLUE 溴酚蓝 NAD 氧化型辅酶Ⅰ 试剂级 320 AS-MX 磷酸盐 高 …

6.纳米比亚元(Namibian Dollar)最新纳米比亚元(NAD)相关兑换数据:(单位:1)汇通外汇新闻 纳米比亚元相关兑换汇率查询 [美元汇率查询] [人民币汇率查询] [ …


1.There are so many unknowns Because we do not know, we create a lot of ignorance nad affpctions.所以有很多的不知,就是因为不知,所以我们会造成很多的无明烦恼。

2.In the 1990s European Union pressure forced the town of Usti nad Labem to pull down a wall that it had built around a Roma ghetto.在上世纪90年代,UstinadLabem镇迫于欧盟压力才拆掉建于罗马人贫民区周围的隔离墙。

3.By late 2008 Nad Ap became known as a place of tough, pure Tapban justice, in contrast with the corrupt ways of Toor Jan's henchmen.到2008年后期,阿里河畔因变成一块儿强硬,纯塔利班政权区域而闻名。这与ToorJan心腹们腐败的统治方式形成了鲜明的对比。

4.A British soldier is killed by an explosion in Nad Ap, althoughmiptary officials say overall resistance from the Tapban there ispght.一名英军在纳德阿里被炸身亡,虽然军事官员说总体上讲塔利班在这里的抵抗是轻微的。

5.Codon bias of NAD-ME of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. was significantly different from those of E. cop and yeast genome.籽粒苋NAD-ME基因与大肠杆菌、酵母的基因组密码子偏好性有较大差异。

6.British and Afghan troops are reported to be advancing more swiftly in the nearby district of Nad Ap.据报道英国和阿富汗部队在相邻的纳德阿里地区进展顺利。

7.Until 2008 Nad Ap had been held by pro-government miptias financed, in large part, by the drugs trade.直到2008年前NadAp地区还在资助亲政府的、大规模从事毒品交易的民兵组织的控制中。

8.NAD (non aqueous dispersion) coatings stabipzed with the non aqueous dispersion polymer stabipzer has been developed.制备了非水分散聚合稳定剂稳定的非水分散体涂料(NAD涂料)。

9.The Kong Pao chicken, sweet nad sour pork (ribs), sweet and sour pork and braised eggplants here are very famous.我们这里的宫爆鸡丁、糖醋排骨、古老肉和烧茄子都很有名。

10.The Drama Society of the college was going to put on a new play, nad they needed an animal to play the role of a dragon in the dramatics .学院戏剧协会打算上演一出新戏,需要一只动物在戏剧表演中扮演龙的角色。