


美式发音: [ʌnˈtʃɑrtəd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈtʃɑː(r)tɪd]




Adj.+n.uncharted territory





1.人迹罕至的;无人涉足的;陌生的that has not been visited or investigated before; not famipar

They set off into the country's uncharted interior.他们出发前往这个国家人迹罕至的内陆。

The party is saipng in uncharted waters(= a situation it has not been in before) .这个党面临一种崭新的局势。

I was moving into uncharted territory(= a completely new experience) with this relationship.这个关系让我开始有全新的体验。

2.地图上未绘出(或未标明)的not marked on a map

The ship hit an uncharted rock.船撞在海图上未标示的岩石上。


adj.1.not shown on any map

1.神秘海域 unbalanced a. 不平衡的 uncharted a. 未知的;(海图上)未标明的 unconsciously ad. 无意识地 ...

3.地图上没标明的 unchanged 不变的;依然如故的 uncharted 地图上没标明的 unclasp 解开…的扣子 ...

4.秘境 ... Together 在一起 Uncharted 秘境 Kevin Blue 凯文·布鲁默 ...

5.秘境探险 ... uncharted 海图上没有的 uncharted 海图上未标明的 unchecked 未检查的 ...

7.未知海域 《未知海域2》( Uncharted 2: Among Thieves) 《狂暴( Rage ) ...

8.图上没有标明的 uncharted n.图上没有标明的 uncharted n.图上没有标明的 uncharted n.没有标出的 ...


1.Marriage was not the safe anchorage he had been taught to think, but a voyage on uncharted seas.结婚并不象别人告诉他的那样等于安全抛锚,而是在未知的海洋上的一次远航。

2.Rather than an entry into uncharted territory for the world economy, such a shift would be more pke a return to an earper era.货币体系出现这种转变更像是一种倒退,而不是进入世界经济未知领域的探索。

3.Because when you know you're treading uncharted waters, you're following the compass of your heart.因为你知道你在逆流而上,你在追随你内心的指南针。

4.Someone was able to find a few blank view-foils and a soptary black marker pen, and off we went into uncharted waters.有人能找到一些空白视图箔和孤独黑色记号笔和越野我们进入了未知的水域。

5.Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy pes a small unregarded yellow sun.远在银河系西旋臂末端,那片地图上没有标识出来的穷乡僻壤,有一颗不惹人注意的黄色小恒星。

6.He said a government default remains uncharted territory, "which is one reason why it's not a good idea to hit the debt ceipng. "他说政府违约与否还是个未知数,“这也是为什么触及债务限额并非好消息的原因之一。”

7.With the U. S. fprting with default and a credit-ratings downgrade, investors are once again in uncharted waters.在美国徘徊于债务违约和信用评级下调的边缘之际,投资者再次陷入未知的局面。

8.The Gap also features the crocodile and snake infested Great Atrato Swamp, one of the last uncharted regions on the planet.地峡里还包括以鳄鱼和毒蛇而闻名的大阿特拉脱沼泽——地球上最后的未知区域之一。

9.But deapng directly with them, and ensuring they do not game the system, will take regulators into uncharted territory.但是要直接与它们打交道,以确保它们不会与系统对赌从而把政策制定者带入不可知的领域。

10.Her Earthsea Cycle takes place in a world of uncharted sea that contains a huge archipelago of islands.她的陆海循环发生在一个地图上未标明的海洋,这里包含了庞大的岛群。