


网络释义:南华早报(South China Morning Post);配置管理计划(Software Configuration Management Plan);磺化化学机械浆(Sulfonated Chemi-Mechanical Pulp)


1.南华早报(South China Morning Post)大埔南华早报SCMP)说,寻求公众的看法的咨询只不过是演戏,意欲安抚民主阵营。有消息来源告诉SCMP,北京将作自己 …

2.配置管理计划(Software Configuration Management Plan)在配置管理计划SCMP)中将需求文档定义为CI。2 对需求文档进行配置管理。

3.磺化化学机械浆(Sulfonated Chemi-Mechanical Pulp)8、 掌握磺化化学机械浆SCMP) 和化学预热机械浆(CTMP) 的显著特点 2 和生产流程。 9、 中性亚硫酸盐半化学浆和碱 …

4.磺化化机浆285 杨木磺化化机浆SCMP)抄造胶印书刊纸的初步研究   286 氯磺化聚乙烯涂料改性的研究   287 天然多元酚制备磺化酚醛树 …

5.南华早报集团传南华早报集团(SCMP)收购亚洲电视(ATV), 回覆 留名 时事台 下一页 时事台 第 1 页 第 2 页 时事台 下一页


1.After that discovery, the SCMP said, the other seven coffins were opened, showing three of the bodies had been mixed up.《南华早报》说,发现弄错后,其他七名遇难者的灵柩也被打开,其中有三名的遗体被弄混了。

2.But when researchers ran the standard LINPACK benchmark program, they found it had an operating efficiency of 46. 7%, scmp. com reported.但是当研究人员运行标准的LINPACK基准测试程序时,他们发现其运行效率为46.7%,SCMP网址被屏蔽这样报道。

3.At this point, all of the various products have been enabled for SCMP.至此,所有产品都已启用了SCMP。

4.WSRR should now be ready to be configured with SCMP.WSRR现在准备就绪,可以配置SCMP了。

5.The Service Connectivity Management Protocol (SCMP) provides a way of defining the connectivity concepts which are relevant to federation.服务连通性管理协议(ServiceConnectivityManagementProtocol,SCMP)提供了一种方式,定义与联合相关的连通性概念。

6.The SCMP said Broad Group, a Hunan-based air conditioner maker, had touted the Zhongnanhai air purifiers on its website.《南华早报》说,湖南空调生产商远大集团(BroadGroup)曾在其网站上吹嘘中南海这批空气净化器。

7.When enabled with SCMP, WSRR can act as the federation, domain and registry servers for an SFM environment.通过SCMP启用时,WSRR可以充当SFM环境的联合、域和注册服务器。

8.Select both if you plan to install the SFM console on this instance of WSRR, as well as just enabpng SCMP.如果要在此WSRR实例上安装SFM控制台,则选择两者,并且启用SCMP。

9.SCMP can be enabled on an existing version of WSRR v7, however if an install is required follow the steps below.可以在现有版本的WSRRv7上启用SCMP,但是如果需要安装,请按以下步骤操作。

10.As mentioned previously, WSRR will act as the federation, domain and registry servers in the SCMP model.如前所述,WSRR将充当SCMP模型中的联合、域和注册服务器。