


网络释义:协议(Inter-Access Point Protocol);胰岛淀粉样多肽(international association for preventive pediatrics);国际植物生理学家协会(International Association for Plant Physiologists)


1.协议(Inter-Access Point Protocol) ... 国际宇航科学院( IAA) 国际植物生理学家协会( IAPP) 国际自动控制联合会( IF…

4.胰岛淀粉样蛋白多肽胰岛淀粉样蛋白多肽IAPP) 胰岛素分泌与IAPP相关,有学者提出假设,检测IAPP水平可预测β细胞功能障碍严重程度。但是…


1.Objective To observe the distribution of islet amyloid polypeptide(IAPP) in pancreatic ductal epithepum.目的观察人胰腺导管上皮胰岛淀粉样多肽的分布。

2.And researches showed that, the concentration of plasma IAPP changed with related tumors.同时有研究表明,并且在相关肿瘤发生时,血浆中IAPP的浓度会发生改变。

3.Human islet amyloid polypeptide, IAPP Epsa Kit. . .人胰岛淀粉样多肽(IAPP)试剂盒;

4.But there is no finding of IAPP in human pancreatic tissue.但目前尚没有对人体胰腺组织IAPP研究的结果。

5.Analysis of a System: the Theory of IAPP and Its Practical Significance--An Interview with Prof. Mao Shoulong制度分析:IAPP理论及其现实意义--毛寿龙教授访谈录

6.IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention (certificate)国际空气防污染(证书)

7.International Association for Plant Physiologists (IAPP)国际植物生理学家协会

8.IAPP; International Association for Plant Taxonomy;国际植物分类学协会;

9.International Association for Plant Physiology IAPP国际植物生理学协会