


网络释义:光网络终端(Optical Network Termination);安大略;终端设备


1.光网络终端(Optical Network Termination)Optical Network Termination (ONT) 光网络终端 一般意义上ONU和ONT是一样的,如果严谨点说,它们的区别在于ONT是光网 …

2.安大略安大略(ont)奥尼昂塔(onh) 诺姆(ome) 奥马哈(oma) 哥伦布(olu) 奥林匹亚(olm) 诺尔维克(orv) 费城(phl) 佩尔斯顿(pln) 普拉茨堡(plb)

3.终端设备在入户终端上,采用光网络终端设备(ONT) : 1321i 支持IEEE 802.3ah,ITU G.984标准 工作环境: 室内 乐昌市百信花苑小区监 …

4.安大略机场(Ontario)• 距离安大略机场(ONT) 36英里无边无际的宁静国度 洛杉矶帕萨廸纳朗廷亨廷顿酒店装潢豪华雅致,与伦敦朗廷酒店的经典风 …

5.安大略国际机场从安大略国际机场ONT)前往酒店—36英哩从北面(圣法南度谷)驾车前往酒店 从东面(伊利诺州)驾车前往酒店 从南面( …


1.Meanwhile Curocom is taking the research seriously enough to set up a Canadian operation, Curocom Canada, in London, Ont. , near Western.同时Curocom公司很郑重地对待这项研究,并在离西安大略大学很近的安大略州伦敦城建立起了加拿大业务公司——加拿大Curocom。

2.Bob: you really hit the nail on the head when you said the biggest problem the company has is that no ont's wilpng to take responsibipty.你说公司最大的问题在于没有人愿意负起责任时,这真是一针见血。

3.You had better ont ask Betty about her husband . You know , curiosity keller the cat .你最好不要过问贝蒂有关她先生的事,你知道好奇心足以致命。

4.You once told me that you should know your buyers ont just as buyers, but as people.你曾对我说过不要把你的买主只当买主来对待,要把他们作为人去了解。

5.I saw ont only the adults but also the children are less wearing, We were always afraid the children cold, they were afraid of fever.我看到的美国人不但大人穿的少,他们给小孩儿也穿的少,咱们总怕孩子冻着了,他们总怕孩子热着了。

6.When we jump into the air why do we only fall down and ont fly to the sky?当我们向空中跳去时,为什么我们只会降落到地面上而不会飞向空中?

7.Ever since her boy friend walked ont , the poor girl has been eating her heart ont . She doesn't sleep , and she 's lost interest in pfe .自从男朋友出走以后,那个可怜的女孩一直极度悲伤。她夜不能寐,简直不想活下去了。

8.In the midwinter, there is ont thing that cannot be frozen, that's my bless for you.隆冬里冻不住的唯一之物是我对你的祝福。

9.Looking at the lovely dogs, Daisy said to the dogs, "I 'll take you all ont on sundays. "看着这些可爱的小狗们,黛西说:“我将要在每个星期天带你们出去散步。”

10.at this aperture most aberrations are at a minimum and diffraction has ont yet started to deteriorate the image.用最佳光,各种像差情况减到最少,衍射情况亦不至影响影像质素。