


美式发音: [mɔːˈrɪʃɪəs] 英式发音: [mə'rɪʃəs]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Mauritius, an island country located in the southwest Indian Ocean

1.毛里求斯 马耳他( Malta) 毛里求斯( Mauritius) 墨西哥( Mexico) ...

2.模里西斯 南非 / Rep. South Africa 模里西斯 / Mauritius 马拉威 / Malawi ...

3.毛里裘斯 宏都拉斯 Honduras 504 00 摩里西斯 Mauritius 230 0 墨西哥 Mexico 52 98 ...

5.毛里求斯共和国YCHELLES)、巴拿马共和国(PANAMA)、毛里求斯共和国MAURITIUS)和百慕大(BERMUDA)等,允许国际人士在 …

6.毛里塔尼亚 马里 Malta 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritius 墨西哥 Micronesia ...

7.毛里求斯岛广州到毛里求斯岛Mauritius)海运费,毛里求斯岛海运,Mauritius海运费,毛里求斯岛散货海运价格  毛里求斯岛(Mauritius Islan…

8.西斯岛n 来自模里西斯岛(Mauritius)的左手香主要含有:(41%)香芹酚(Carvacrol)和(39%)樟脑(Camphor) …。 n 来自塞席尔(Seychelles…


1.In contrast, corals in the Red Sea and Mauritius that did not suffer bleaching had only a tiny percentage of this same algae.正相反,在红海和毛里求斯海的珊瑚虫却不能忍受漂白,而且有很多好的可以抗高水温的藻类。

2.He said that since the estabpshment of diplomatic ties between China and Mauritius, bilateral relations have been growing smoothly.他说,中毛两国建交以来,双边关系发展顺利。

3.what really surprised the visitors to mauritius was the fact that dodos seemed to eat stones and irons frequentlyand with no trouble.而真正令来毛里求斯岛的游客惊讶的是多多鸟好像频繁的并且毫无问题地吃石头与金属的事实。

4.One man married a woman from the Mauritius Islands that he met through a French pen-pal organization.一个男人娶了一位来自毛里求斯群岛的女人,他们是通过法国一个笔友组织认识的。

5.Thanks to efforts made to protect it, the Mauritius echo parakeet, a bird once endangered, has seen an increase in its population.在人们的保护措施下,一度濒临灭绝的长尾小鹦鹉的数量有了增加。

6.Tying this book to the last is the Ibis, a former slave ship carrying convicts and indentured workers to Mauritius.将本书与前一本相连结的是朱鹭号,之前将罪犯和契约工人带到毛里求斯去的运奴隶的朱鹭号大船。

7.Ms. Konvapnka said the team plans another fire-walking study, this time in Mauritius. But they may also return to San Pedro Manrique.伊凡娜女士谈到小组打算再做一次火上行走研究,这次是在毛里求斯。

8.Maritime officials said Friday Somap pirates have hijacked a Taiwanese fishing boat off the far southeast coast of Mauritius.海事官员星期五表示,索马里海盗在毛利求斯西南部海岸外劫持了一艘台湾渔船。

9.Three of the top five are once again island nations: Cape Verde plus the Seychelles and Mauritius, this year's winner, displacing Botswana.排名前5中再一次出现了有3个国家是岛国得情况:佛得角、塞舌尔以及取代博茨瓦纳荣登今年榜首的毛里求斯。

10.Japan, Canada, Mauritius and several countries in Europe are disabled straw, hay and confetti as a packing backing.日本、加拿大、毛里求斯及欧洲若干国家都禁用稻草、干草和报纸屑作为包装衬垫物。