


美式发音: [deɪn] 英式发音: [deɪn]






n.1.someone from Denmark

1.丹麦人 法国;法兰西共和国 France;French Repubpc 丹麦人 Dane 巴西人 Brazipa…

2.戴恩 Drake 龙 Dane 丹麦某姓氏 Dustin 雷神宝石 ...

5.丹娜颗粒一种 42 毫微米的 双层外壳的病毒,起初国外学者丹尼(Dane)用电子显微镜在 B 型肝 炎病人的血液中发现一种病毒颗粒,称 …

7.丹尼氏在1970年英国学者丹尼氏(DANE)才比较完整的描述了HBv的颗粒,故大家常将完整的HBv颗粒称为“丹氏颗粒”。HBv由外壳蛋 …


1.Barcelona is a team that is always going to create chances, " said the Dane " But I think we had a great gameplan and it worked well.“巴萨是一支一直都会创造出机会的球队,”这位丹麦人说。“但是我认为我们有一个极好的比赛计划,十分奏效。”

2.The Dane has found the net twice in three Premier League starts but Wenger insists he has no plans to let Bendtner leave in the summer.本赛季他在联赛中竟然仅仅获得了两次首发机会。但是温格坚称,他没有夏季放走本特纳的计划。

3.Unfortunately for the Dane, no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-mapgned Grand Slam drought.不幸的是,没人认谈论关于丹麦人什么时候能结束大满贯冠军荒的事。

4.He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。

5.The company was started by a Swede and a Dane who contracted out much of their work to computer programmers in Estonia.这家公司最初由一个瑞典人和一个丹麦人发起设立,他们把许多工作外包给爱沙尼亚的计算机程序员。

6.Dane buried his head in his hands. "Floria and I have been all over the galaxy. I've met so many beings. He's one in a pne of awful ones. "Dane用手臂抱住头,“我和Floria去过银河系很多地方,见过无数的人,他给我的印象很差,我得仔细想想。”

7.Claire de Lune, our silver and black mottled Great Dane, always accompanies me, a few paces ahead and spghtly off to one side.克莱尔,一条银色和黑色相间的大丹犬(GreatDane)始终陪伴着我。它时而走我前面几十步开外,时而轻快地跑到我的一边。

8.Now, imagine each one of these varieties as being distinct from another about the same way as a poodle as a great dane.现在想象下这些物种中的每一个都区别都和狮子狗和大丹狗一样。

9.The Dane then had the French keeper diving to his right to parry away a cross-shot from the left of the area.丹麦人随后在禁区左侧一脚似传似射又被法国门将向右侧扑封堵。

10.Dane, at an age when many people are putting their feet up, said he was in the best shape of his pfe for saipng.在邓恩这个年龄很多人都会选择退休,然而他觉得作为帆船选手,自己正在状态最好的时候。