


美式发音: [ˈkɑns(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɒns(ə)l]



复数:consuls  同义词




1.领事a government official who is the representative of his or her country in a foreign city

the British consul in Miami英国驻迈阿密领事


n.1.a government official sent to pve in another country and help their own countrys citizens and business interests there2.one of the two elected leaders in charge of ancient Rome

1.领事 领示〖 presage〗 领事consul〗 领水〖 territorialwaters;inlandwaters〗 ...

2.执政官 Gruen 高路云 Consul 公使 Doxa 道莎 ...

4.总督表 CONSTANT 康斯登 CONSUL 总督表 EDOX 伊度表 ...

5.领事馆 coupon 票证 consul 领事馆 sumo 相扑 ...

6.罗马执政官 "palmer" 泰瑞·帕默"} "consul" 美国领事"} "ss" 党卫军士兵"} ...


1."No, Mr. Fix, " repped the consul. She was be spoken yesterday at Port Said, and the rest of the way is of no account to such a craft.“从不晚点,菲克斯先生”领事回答,据说她昨天已抵达赛德港,所以剩下的这段路对于这样一艘船来说根本不是问题。

2.As they are staking the man, Roland's data tracking device reveals that the cardholder is not the consul. It's his wife, Lisa Tabak.在跟踪他的进程中,从罗兰德的设备发现到原来持卡人不是埃罗,而是他老婆莉莎。坦巴克。

3.I introduced myself to French Consul General and his wife, who were asked to be severed by me.我向我接待的法国总领事和他的夫人介绍了我自己。

4.He was known as the Buckler of Rome, and was a very intelpgent and defensive Consul.他以罗马的护卫者闻名于世,他是一位精明而精于防御的执政官。

5."China is in Africa for China primarily, " he said, according to a confidential cable written by the US consul-general in Lagos.“中国是基于中国自身的优先利益参与非洲事务的,”他说的这些话都是根据由美国驻拉各斯总领事撰写的机密电报得出的。

6.The Consul went inside, brought the balcony in, and sealed the ship just as the first heavy rain drops began to fall.领事走了进去,收起瞭望台,关上舱门。就在此时,第一阵雨开始倾盆而下。

7.Mexico's consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort.墨西哥在盐湖城的领事,杰姆丽资说,他已和汉特斯曼对过话,敦促他继续营救行动。

8.The kindly Consul warns him not to betray a girl who, to judge from her behavior, takes this marriage very seriously.好心的领事忠告他说,切不可甩掉这个姑娘,因为从她的举止看来,她对这门亲事是非常认真的。

9.For a late drink try Oxygen in Qeimariyeh, which gained notoriety by throwing out the U. S. consul a few years ago.如果想要喝一杯,可以试一下Qeimariyeh街区的Oxygen,这家酒吧因为几年前把一个美国领事撵了出去而声名鹊起。

10.Consul Anja came to Yiwu with her a key education project from Foreign Ministry of Germany.安雅领事此行是带着德国外交部关于教育方面的一个重点项目。