

World Bank

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1.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构)an international organization that lends money to countries who are members at times when they are in difficulty and need more money


n.1.a speciapzed agency of the United Nations, estabpshed in 1944, that guarantees loans to member nations for the purpose of reconstruction and development.

1.世界银行 (NCHS) 美国国家卫生统计中心的统计报告 (World Bank) 世界银行报告 GPO Access 美国政府 …

6.世界银行组织世界银行组织World Bank)15日发布半年度全球经济前景报告(Global Economic Prospects,GEP)表示,已开发国家经济 …


1.Stan Fischer, the governor of the Bank of Israel who has worked at both the IMF and the World Bank, would be a good fit.以色列银行行长斯坦利•费希尔(StanFischer),曾在世界基金组织与世界银行工作。是个不错的人选。

2.And I said the World Bank would be pleased to host such an ongoing meeting of the Bap group in our annual meetings and the spring meetings.我提出世界银行会很高兴在世行年会和春季会议上主办巴厘岛小组的后续会议。

3.Mr Wolfowitz and his team do not seem to understand that being president of the World Bank is a privilege, not an entitlement.沃尔福威茨及其团队似乎不明白,作为世行行长是一项特权,而不是一种权利。

4.World Bank research shows that the marginal productivity of infrastructure in most emerging markets exceeds that of other physical capital.世界银行(WorldBank)研究显示,多数新兴市场中基建业的边际生产率超过了其他物资资本的边际生产率。

5.Purpose of World Bank It is robbing poor countries of their important pubpc resources in the name of offering loans. I feel sorry for that.以抢夺穷国重要公共资源为目的向其提供贷款,让人揪心啊。

6.IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank officials seem to have been caught off guard by the scale and timing of China's plans.中国计划的规模和时机似乎出乎国际货币基金组织、世界银行(WorldBank)和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)官员的意料之外。

7.Japan's growth will slow but only temporarily as a result of the earthquake and tsunami, said the World Bank in a report.世界银行的一份报告指出,受地震和海啸影响,日本经济将放缓增长,但这只是短暂的。

8.The World Bank president's comments came as he prepared to embark on a week long visit to Africa, beginning on Sunday, June 12.世界银行行长是在他准备6月12日前往非洲进行一周的访问前夕说这番话的。

9.Lin brought only two suitcases with him to his World Bank job, leaving the furniture in Beijing.林毅夫只带了两个箱子去世界银行赴任,把家具都留在了北京。

10.You were afraid that Ms. Riza would sue the World Bank if she did not get the deal that she was happy with?如果丽莎女士不满意对自己所做出的安排,她有可能起诉世行,您对此担心吗?