




1.别哭 Dying in the sun 在阳光下死去 Don t cry 别哭 The one you love 你的最爱 ...

2.不要哭 Dillon hill 克雷吉山峦 Don t cry 不要哭 Don't Cry For Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣 ...

3.安心亚 ... 安心亚 don t cry 布莱德利库柏 bradley cooper ...


1.'Don't cry, ' she said. 'You know water is bad for you. '“别哭了,”她说,“你知道水对你伤害很大。”

2.My eye, she said. Don't cry, he said. I'll die, she said. Oh my, he said.我的眼睛哪,她说.不要哭,他说.我会死掉,她说.天哪,他说。

3.When he said, "let's calm for a period of time, ok? " when, want cool say, then hang up, don't cry, he is not here to ask your advice.当他说“让我们冷静一段时间,好吗”的时候,要冷静的说好,然后挂断电话,不要哀求,他不是来征求你的意见的。

4.Nut (sab) : Does she be your close friend? Sympathize with you and don't cry so much it made your fan so sad too.她是你的亲近朋友吗?同情你,不要哭得这么厉害,这使你的粉丝也很难过。

5.Don't cry , I said I talked to her But she looked at me and cried harder and harder.不要哭,我对她说,但她看着我哭得更历害了。

6.Then she looked at me and her friends. "Don't cry for me, ladies, " she said. "Please, don't cry now. "随后她看着我和她的朋友们。“不要为我而哭,夫人们,”她说。“现在请别哭了。”

7.If I kicked the bucket before you, don't cry but find another man instead of me to love you and remember to forget me.如果我先走了,请不要哭泣,找另一个人代替我去爱你,并要记得忘记我。

8.Bitter sweet memories, that is all I'm taking with me. So, goodbye. Please, don't cry. We both know I'm not what you, you need.苦涩而甜蜜的回忆是我唯一带走的。因此,再见吧。请不要哭泣。我们都清楚我不适合你。

9.And the last words he said to his brother were, "Don't cry for me Alfred. I need all the courage I can muster to die at the age of 20. "他最后对他兄弟说的话是,“阿尔弗雷德不要为我哭泣。我需要聚集我能聚集的所有勇气让我在20岁时死去。”

10.'Now don't cry, my dear. Sit here and wait for me. 'He made a bed for the tired girl among the dead leaves, and covered her with his coat.“别哭,我的宝贝儿。现在你就坐在这儿,等我回来吧!”他用枯叶给这疲倦的女孩儿铺了张床,还给她披上了自己的衣服。