




1.纽约尼克从纽约尼克Knicks)转战塞尔蒂克的马布瑞(Stephon Marbury),交出转队后最佳成绩,得9分、5次助攻。相关文章 精彩 …

2.尼克斯尼克斯 (Knicks) 现任主教练:迈克-德安东尼(Mike D`Antoni)http://data.sports.sohu网址被屏蔽/nba/nba_team_info.php?teamid=18he…

3.纽约尼克队纽约尼克队(KNICKS)今(13)日作客公牛队(BULLS)主场,虽然以99:104,5分落败,但「豪小子」林书豪(Jeremy Lin)不仅传出 …

4.纽约尼克斯队纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)1626年,最早来到当今纽约市一带定居的欧洲人是来自荷兰的移民,他们根据荷兰城市的名字将这片土地 …


1.Though this Knicks game had to make you a bit nervous towards the end, there remained an air of calm about the team.虽然这场对尼克斯的比赛最后时刻让人很紧张,不过可以看出这支湖人队表现的是如此的稳重。

2.Larry Hughes understands that the chances of him returning to the Knicks next season are spm to none.拉里休斯知道,他下赛季回到尼克斯的几率很小。

3."Both of us would've pked him to have stayed on the Knicks, " Teng said, "just to have something in New York to cheer for. "“我们两人都很想让他留在尼克斯队,”腾礼仁说,“只是为了能在纽约庆祝点什么。”

4.The two would later become teammates on a pair of New York Knicks teams that won NBA titles.后来福莱兹尔和杰克逊在尼克斯队成为队友,并获得了NBA总冠军。

5.When the Knicks dealt him to Portland for Zach Randolph on draft night, Francis immediately began thinking of a possible return to Houston.选秀之夜尼克斯把他交易到开拓者,换来兰多夫,弗朗西斯马上就想到回归休斯敦。

6.Oh, I've seen his friends bet thoroughbreds, An island in the Seychelles, the Knicks. Okay, but what makes you think we'll win?我在塞舌尔的一个小岛上见识过,他那些尼克斯队的朋友,可都是赌场老手。好吧,可是为什么你觉得他一定能赢?。

7.But the Knicks and other clubs have been busy creating wiggle room. They are ready to spend; the question is on whom.但现在尼克斯及其它球队已经在忙于建造更衣室,他们也愿意花大笔钱签下球星,问题是将签下谁。

8.He watched closely the last month as the Knicks Jeremy Lin took an eerily similar pghtning rise to the top. What advice would he give Lin?上个月他看着尼克斯的林书豪闪电式的到达了顶点。有什么建议给林?

9.Man, I can't stand the Knicks, yo! -Knickerbocker, please! -I'll have no problems gettin' up for the big games in the Big Apple!伙计,我不能忍受(纽约)尼克斯队,你!-纽约人,别提了!-我对在大苹果(纽约的别称)打重要比赛没有任何问题!

10.The overall strength of the East will largely depend of what muscles the Knicks and Nets are able to ? ex.东部的总体实力现在主要就取决于尼克斯和篮网自己本身多给力了。