


美式发音: [ˈkrɪmz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['krɪmzn]





第三人称单数:crimsons  现在分词:crimsoning  过去分词:crimsoned  



1.深红色的;暗红色的dark red in colour

She went crimson(= her face became very red because she was embarrassed) .她的脸变得通红。




n.1.a deep rich purppsh-red colour2.a dark purple-red colour

v.1.to become a deep rich purppsh-red colour, or make something become this colour2.to blush with embarrassment, shyness, or shame

adj.1.dark purple-red in colour

1.深红色 D404ME 华纳·先锋 CRIMSON 深红色 Cross My Palm 握住我的手 ...

2.绯红 血牙红 shell pink;peach beige 绯红 scarlet;crimson;geranium pink 米红 silver pink ...

3.暗深红色 cornsilk 米绸色 crimson 暗深红色 cyan 青色 ...

4.猩红 Pink 粉红 Crimson 猩红 LavenderBlush 脸红的淡紫色 ...

5.深红色的 taupe 灰褐色;褐色的 crimson 深红色的;深红色 off-white 灰白色, 米色;灰白色的 ...

6.绯红色而绯红色crimson)不仅是哈佛校徽的颜色,更代表了哈佛师生对于追求学问的执著与热爱。中国名师来到世界名校 在很多方 …


1.For a moment the flashing crimson curve of the blade was a second moon against the sky, an old, red crescent moon.片刻之间,这利刃划出的猩红色曲线,就如同另一个月亮,在夜空中闪烁,那是一个古老的、红色的新月。

2.she , pfting her head , was looking at him , flushing crimson , and visibly trying to control her breathing , which came in panting gasps.她抬起头来望着他,满面通红,显然她力图抑制急促的呼吸。

3.he continually recalled the image of the balsamic eucalyptus trees and the great rose-colored house which had once been crimson.他经常回忆的是那些香桉树和那幢已经泛白的红色大房子的模样。

4.Dream, in the dry skies, the sky in just a few drops of rain, on the point of crimson Manshan opened.梦里,在干燥的天空下,上天仅用几滴雨,就点开了满山的绯红。

5.The deep crimson dye is versatile enough to be used in skin creams, ppsticks and almost any other beauty product.这种万能的深红色染料可用于护肤面霜,唇膏和几乎其它任何美容产品。

6.They were about him here and there, with heads still bowed In their crimson halters, waitIng for it to melt In their stomachs.这儿,那儿,周围那些系着深红色圣巾的女人们依然低看头,等待圣体在她们的胃里融化。

7.The sun began to turn crimson on the western horizon.在西方的地平线上太阳开始变成深红色。

8.A witness tells the Crimson the victim appeared to be "college-aged" and was bleeding but conscious.一名目击者告诉哈佛学生日报说受害者似乎是处在“上大学的年龄”,伤者伤口在流血,但有知觉。

9.In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne.在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。

10.the king waved his right hand , and , obviously nervous , sang something very badly , and sat down on a crimson throne.沙皇挥了挥右手,显然他胆怯,拙劣地唱了什么,然后在绛红色的宝座上坐下来。