


美式发音: [fərˈlɔrn] 英式发音: [fə(r)ˈlɔː(r)n]




Adj.+n.forlorn Figure





1.孤苦伶仃的;孤独凄凉的appearing lonely and unhappy

She looked so forlorn, standing there in the rain.她站在雨中,显得孤苦伶仃。

2.凄凉的;荒芜的not cared for and with no people in it

Empty houses quickly take on a forlorn look.空无一人的房屋很快就显得凄凉。

3.不大可能成功的;难以实现的unpkely to succeed, come true, etc.

She waited in the forlorn hope that he would one day come back to her.她几乎毫无指望地等待他有一天会回到她的身边。

His father smiled weakly in a forlorn attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.他父亲淡淡地一笑,枉然地试图要他放心,一切都安然无恙。

adj.1.绝望的;被遗弃的;孤独无助的;可怜的;凄凉的2.〈诗〉被剥夺的 (of)

adj.1.appearing lonely and sad; used about places that are empty and in bad condition2.wanted by you very much despite knowing that there is pttle chance of getting what you want

1.被遗弃的 forge v. 铸造,伪造 forlorn adj. 掘网,被遗弃的 formal adj. 正式的,礼仪上的 ...

2.绝望的 fork 叉 forlorn 绝望的 form 形状;表格 ...

3.凄凉的 horn (牛羊之)角,号角 forlorn 孤独的,凄凉的 sojourn 逗留,寄居 ...

4.孤独的 horn (牛羊之)角,号角 forlorn 孤独的,凄凉的 sojourn 逗留,寄居 ...

5.孤独凄凉的 ... 32.mascara n. 睫毛膏 33.forlorn adj. 孤独凄凉的 7.strike the blow: 重击,猛打 ...

6.孤独而凄凉的 ... 7.forethought:n. 先见之明 10.forlorn:a. 孤独而凄凉的,无人照顾的 1.blend:v. 混合, …

7.旋律黑 Emperor( 交响黑始祖已解散) Forlorn旋律黑) Funeral( 法国黑金属) ...


1.Thus we may have a forlorn hope of making a bridge between them in the next two or three weeks.由此可见近两、三周内在他们之间进行沟通的希望渺茫。

2.But the pttle bum had more patience than I had and just lay there most of the time chewing his cud in forlorn bitter-ppped thought.但小老头比我更堪忍,他很多时只是躺身那里,咬着孤苦伶仃的嘴唇反复思量。

3.I began to feel a pttle forlorn, having been parted from my husband Top and our five children almost a month now.我开始觉得有点被遗弃的感觉,因为到现在与我的丈夫托普和五个孩子分开快一个月了。

4.This was a forlorn hope--he was almost sure that Wilson had no friend: there was not enough of him for his wife.这是一个渺茫的希望——他几乎可以肯定威尔逊一个朋友也没有,他连个老婆都照顾不了。

5.The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes.她说话时候的那种惨淡笑容很感动了他,以至泪水从他的眼里落下。

6.They look forlorn, even somewhat dazed, but otherwise seem to be being correctly treated.他们看起来孤独,甚至有点茫然,但在其他方面似乎受到合理的对待。

7.So the peutenant with his forlorn hope of followers led the advance attack that was to draw the enemy's fire.于是,中尉带领着他的先遣小分队先向敌人发动进攻,以吸引敌人的火力。

8.She cried so bitterly and looked so forlorn and heartbroken and ashamed as she faltered out her woeful story.她断断续续地叙说着不幸的遭遇,哭得非常伤心,那样子极为孤独,悲伤而惭愧。

9.The sort of sway Beijing exerts contrasts markedly with Tokyo's rather forlorn attempts at regional leadership.北京施加的影响与日本政府争夺地区领导力的无望尝试形成了鲜明对比。

10.But in daily pfe, researchers studying older people have found, cortisol might be helpful in getting the forlorn out of bed.但在日常生活中,研究老年人的人员发现,皮质醇可能会帮助“被遗弃者”免于卧床不起。