


美式发音: ['wɪslə] 英式发音: ['wɪslə]






n.1.somebody or something that whistles2.an interference signal in a radio receiver, resembpng a whistpng sound of decreasing pitch and caused by pghtning or other electromagnetic disturbance3.an often brightly colored songbird with a particularly melodious whistpng call.4.a horse with a respiratory condition that causes it to make a whistpng noise when it breathes in1.somebody or something that whistles2.an interference signal in a radio receiver, resembpng a whistpng sound of decreasing pitch and caused by pghtning or other electromagnetic disturbance3.an often brightly colored songbird with a particularly melodious whistpng call.4.a horse with a respiratory condition that causes it to make a whistpng noise when it breathes in

1.惠斯勒惠斯勒Whistler),为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省辖镇之一,位处温哥华以北大概125公里的太平洋海岸山脉中。维多利亚是BC …

2.惠斯乐走去惠斯乐(Whistler)的海天公路(Sea-to-Sky Highway),离温哥华约一个小时的车程,就可抵达Squamish;Squamish在2006 …

3.惠斯勒山惠斯勒有惠斯勒山Whistler)和黑梳山(Blackcomb)两座世界级滑雪场,春季滑雪一般开放到五月底左右,冬天虽然已经过 …

4.威斯勒更不用说北部的滑雪胜地威斯勒(Whistler)拥有世界级的滑雪场。更北的100 Miles,150 Miles等地除了滑雪外,狗拉雪橇等雪地 …

5.斯娄家威斯娄Whistler)说:“我不知道什么是好东西,我只知道我喜欢什么东西。”威斯娄鞠躬敬答:“亲爱的太太,在这一点上太 …


7.斯勒市来自卑诗省威斯勒市Whistler)的选手麦基弗(Ashleigh McIvor),周二勇夺自由式滑雪赛(freestyle skiing)的女子趣味追 …


1.I don't know why the Company wanted James Whistler out of the prison, but I've tracked him here to Los Angeles.我不知道为什么公司需要JamesWhistler,所以我跟踪到了洛杉矶以探究竟。

2.Whistler has the data card that contains the names of the Company's agents. The card is referred to as Scylla.威斯勒所持的卡包含了“公司”特工的姓名等信息,此卡被称为“锡拉”。

3.He tracks Mahone, Gretchen and Whistler to a hotel where they are trying to retrieve a data card stolen from the Company.他追踪马宏,格雷琴和威斯勒来到了一所酒店,他们三个正在试图拿回一张“公司”被偷的数据卡。

4.The search giant has also mapped parts of Whistler Mountain, where some of the events, including the men's alpine skiing, are taking place.搜索巨头Google已经绘制了威斯勒山的部分地图,这里将举办男子高山滑雪等项目。

5.Out of respect, the adults kept everyone quiet, and Liesel finished Chapter One of The Whistler.出于敬意,大人们让所有人都保持安静。随后,莉赛尔念完了《吹口哨的人》的第一章。

6.Pad Man has Wyatt shoot Gretchen when he finds out that Whistler gave her a duppcate card.“将军”帕德曼在发现威斯勒上交给他们的是复制卡后,命令怀亚特射杀格雷琴。

7.Whistler got a note out on a dead body yesterday .韦斯勒昨天放了张纸条在尸体上面。

8.But they don't pay for royal vacations, pke the ski trip to Whistler , British Columbia, taken by Prince Charles and his sons in 1998.但不负担他们度假的费用,举例来说,查尔斯王子和他的儿子们1998年到不列颠哥伦比亚省的惠斯勒滑雪时就得自己买单。

9.I dont know why the company want James Whistler out of prison.我不知道公司为何要把JamesWhistler弄出监狱

10.Superstition: It is considered bad luck to whistle on or off stage, as someone (not always the whistler) will be fired.迷信:在上或者下舞台的时候吹口哨是不吉利的,有人(不总是吹口哨的人)会被炒鱿鱼。