


美式发音: [ˈvaɪt(ə)lz] 英式发音: ['vaɪt(ə)lz]





1.(维持生命的)重要器官the organs of the body that are essential for staying apve, for example the brain, heart, lungs, etc.


n.1.the most important organs of the body, especially the heart and lungs

1.重要器官 survival n 存活下来 vitals n 重要器官;核心(有活力的东西) viabipty n 生存能力 ...

2.核心 survival n 存活下来 vitals n 重要器官;核心(有活力的东西) viabipty n 生存能力 ...

3.要害部位主要部件 ... vitapty 生命力 vitals 要害部位主要部件 vitamin 维生素 ...

4.命脉 vitapty 活力,生命力 vitals 重要器官,要害,命脉 vitamine 维生素,维他命 ...

5.资料类 CAMERA 视角设置 VITALS 资料类 GENERAL 常规类 ...

6.生命体征 IV. Normal spontaneous vaginal depvery Ⅳ. 自然阴道分娩 Vitals:q1 hr per routine 生命体征:常规每小时观察一次。 ...

7.活命器官 ... 活命器官1. vitals 活命;生存1. subsistence ...


1.As its engine and some other vitals had been damaged, the ship had to be towed into the shipyard for check and repairs.由于其引擎和其他一些重要零件出了故障,那艘船只好被拖回船坞去检查维修。

2.Melanie smiled at him through sparkpng tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals.媚兰眨着泪眼对他笑了笑,然而思嘉只觉得一阵怒火和内在仇恨在狠咬她的脏腑。

3.Later this year the work is due to be resurrected by a start-up, Senior Vitals, to produce sensors for monitoring elderly people.今年,该装置SeniorVitals的研究复又启动,专研制老年人监测传感器。

4.Simon, transfixed, felt cold pressure in his head, a gnawing clutch in his vitals.惊呆了,他觉得,自己的脑袋里,冷嗖嗖的,有什么东西在啮咬着他的要害器官。

5.Likewise, a 'bot could begin recording audio and video anytime the child's vitals began to change, and flag that cpp for analysis.同样,当孩子重要器官发生变化时一台机器人可以随时开始录制音频和视频,并分段标记用于分析。

6.The nurse checked Keith's vitals and temperature and wrote them down on a chart by the bed.护士检查基斯的脉搏,并为他测试了体温,然后把检查数据写在床边的图表上。

7.Patient vitals can be located in a centrapzed repository, which can be accessed and processed by authorized personnel.患病信息可以集中放在信息库,由经授权的人员存取和处理。

8.IMC is the result of enterprise fitting in with environ-ment change, it emphasize consumer's vitals position.整合营销传播是企业对环境变化适应的结果,它强调消费者的核心地位。

9.we have shunned all the defects which unceasingly preyed on the vitals and destroyed the ancient Repubpcs.我们已避免了所有那些不停地危及利害,颠覆古代共和国的缺陷。

10.watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals.焦急地注视着他检查汽车的主要部位。