

Mark Twain

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1.马克吐温故居 Now it's your turn! 该你了! ... - Mark-Twain 马克吐温故居; - The mark Twain House 马克吐温故居; ...


1.Betty: I don't know. Mark Twain was an important writer , but he isn't known as a great thinker pke Confucius.贝蒂:我不知道,马克·吐温是一位重要的作家,但他不像孔子那样作为一个伟大的思想家而闻名。

2.And yet, to paraphrase American writer and humorist Mark Twain, reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated.但是,套用美国作家和幽默大师马克·吐温的话说,关于其死亡的报告被严重夸大。

3.Regarding the rates apppcable to high earners and large estates, most Americans seem to be channepng Mark Twain.考虑到这些税率适用于高收入人群和大地产商,多数美国人想起了马克.吐温。

4.Mark Twain is one of the American writers who had been introduced to China very early, and his works are quite famipar to Chinese readers.马克•吐温是很早就被介绍到中国的著名美国作家之一,其作品广为我国读者熟悉。

5.German has three genders, seemingly so random that Mark Twain wondered why "a young lady has no sex, but a turnip has" .德语有三种词性,而且似乎毫无规律可言。马克·吐温就曾提出疑问:“为什么妙龄女郎没有性别,而萝卜却有。”

6.Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain.习惯习惯,谁也将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下楼。---马克·吐温。

7.Mark Twain to say that: "President Lincoln with a cloth napkin, facial expression happy to think: Why not put it cleaned it? "马克吐温的说法是:「林肯总统拿著一张餐巾布,表情不悦地想著:为什麽不把它洗乾净呢?」

8."Very well, since you insist on it, " said the General. He gave Mark Twain the money, led the dog away and disappeared upstairs.“好吧,既然你坚持的话。”将军说。并把钱给了马克吐温,牵着那条狗消失在楼道上。

9.In about ten minutes a middle-aged gentleman came along and began to look around. Mark Twain asked if he was looking for a dog.大约十分钟之后,一个中年绅士走过来,东张西望。马克吐温问他是否在寻找一条狗。

10."Mark Twain do not mind at all and said laughingly : " Lady, If, pke me telpng pes there.马克·吐温毫不介意地笑笑说:“夫人,只要像我一样说假话就行了。”