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网络释义:美国国家点火装置(National Ignition Facipty);国家点火设施;硝苯地平(nifedipine)


abbr.1.note issuance facipty

1.美国国家点火装置(National Ignition Facipty)s 在此项目中萤幕上可操作MIP/NIF MIP/NIF(Maximun Inspiratory Pressure or Negative Inspiratory Force) MIP/NIP 能使用在 …


1.Interestingly, over three separate runs, the results pointed to only a spght increase in NIF operation times (less than 5 percent).有趣的是,3次独立运行的结果表明,只有NIF操作时间有细微的提升(低于5%)。

2.The data shows exponential growth rates for UPDATE_NOTE and NIF operation times as the number of documents in the inbox grew.数据表明,当收件箱的文档增长时,UPDATE_NOTE和NIF操作时间呈指数级增长。

3.Construction of the NIF began in 1997, funded by the US Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).建造NIF是从1997年开始,受到美国能源部国家核安全管理局(简称,NNSA)的资助。

4.NIF will be able to create conditions and conduct experiments never before possible on Earth, according to the laboratory.据该实验室称,NIF激光器将能产生出的环境、能进行的试验都在过去在地球上都是不可能的。

5.In the approach Nif takes, called inertial confinement fusion, the target is a centimetre-scale cypnder of gold called a hohlraum.在NIF采用的惯性约束聚变方法中,靶是一个厘米尺度的金制圆柱体,也叫做黑体辐射腔。

6.Although the NIF is designed to reach breakeven, its primary mission relates to national security.尽管NIF是设计用来达到能量的收支平衡的,但是它的最初的任务是和国家安全相关的。

7.Those beginning with NIF typically deal with views and collections.而那些名称以NIF开头的函数通常用来处理视图和集合。

8.Siegfried Glenzer, the Nif plasma scientist, led a team to test that theory, smashing records along the way.NIF等离子体科学家SiegfriedGlenzer领导一个小组对该理论进行验证,并打破记录。

9.The report is based on the first experiments from the National Ignition Facipty (Nif) in the US that used all 192 of its laser beams.这个结论是研究人员在拥有192激光束的美国国家点火装置(NIF)进行初步实验后得出的。

10.NIF International(Asia)Limited SoftBank Asia Infrastructure Fund SoftBank China Venture Capital国际(亚洲)有限公司软银亚洲信息基础投资基金软银中国创业投资有限公司