


网络释义:啊;芳烃羟化酶(aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase);高容量血液稀释(Acute hypervolemic hemodilution)


1.啊 Ah! You bitch! 臭婊子! Argh! Ahh! ! Argh! Aah! 啊! ...

2.芳烃羟化酶(aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase) Omph! 唔! Ahh! 啊哈! Look what you did,squirt! 小子,你仔细看看你做的好事! ...

5.急性高容量血液稀释采用急性高容量血液稀释AHH)不仅可以减少自体血的丢失,而且增加心输出量,降低外周血管阻力,从而增加血流速度和微循 …

6.高容血液稀释(Acute Hypervolumic Hemodilution)本研究用6%羟乙基淀粉行急性高容血液稀释(AHH),观察其对血流动力学和组织器官氧代谢的影响以寻求一种适合老年人腹部 …


1.Little Eric: Eric ahh, I really appreciate the way you had my back today and you know I thanks for waiting with me here too.小艾力克:艾力克,啊……真的很感谢你今天拼命保护我,也很感谢你在这等我。

2.Ahh, no biggie . 'Cause here comes my dream girl with a smile just for me. -JD! You know what I love? -What?啊,没什么大不了的。因为我的梦中女郎带着对我一个人的微笑而来。-JD!你知道我爱什么?-什么?

3.Colonel: Ahh. . . it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.上校:啊!这简直是不可能的,波洛,没有人相信他能在一瞬间独自完成这一切。

4.Ahh, who wants to be safe? -Yeah! And who wants to be sane? -Just a minute, kids, and we'll all play some nice games!啊,谁稀罕安全?-耶!谁稀罕理智?-等一下,孩子们,我们可以一起来玩好玩的游戏!

5.Ahh, Lirondo, with friends pke these one need not be afraid his soul will go over to the dark side! Open a barrel of my best!啊,里隆多,和你们这帮朋友在一起就不用担心你们的灵魂会堕落到黑暗面!开一桶我最好的酒!是的,小雨。

6.Ahh well if you made it this far you might have noticed I missed something. Well I was saving the best till last.啊`好了,如果你看到这儿的话,可能已经注意到了我漏了些东西。我把最好的东西留到最后。

7.Ep, what is all this stuff? Ahh.伊莱这些都是什么啊。

8.Ahh here comes a bit of visual difference.啊哈,这里有一点视觉变化。

9.Listen Opve, you. . . -Ahh, my cherie, nothing shall ever separate us again. Now that we are alone, I shall give you ze magnificent kiss.听着,奥利夫,你…-啊,我的樱桃,没有什么会再让我们分离。现在只有我们,我会给你一个美妙的吻。

10.Did you find, 'cause you've had these very serious dramatic roles very intense. -Ahh, what was the hardest part for me?比如说,你有没有一些剧中人物很极端的—额,我认为那一部分对我最难?