


美式发音: [ˈɛdɡər] 英式发音: [ˈedɡə]






n.1.a small statuette awarded annually to authors for achievement in mystery fiction2.an electronic system for reporting corporate data to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

1.埃德加 Ed 艾德 英国 一位有钱的监护人 Edgar 埃德加 英国 快乐的战士 Edmund 埃德蒙 英国 有钱的保护者 ...

2.爱德格 Ed 艾德 英国 一位有钱的监护人 Edgar 爱德格 英国 快乐的战士 Edmund 艾德蒙 英国 有钱的保护者 ...

3.胡佛 那个夏天/ Timeless Lov 胡佛/ J. Edgar 妈妈 Mama ...

4.胡佛传 从今以后 Hereafter 胡佛传 J. Edgar 曲线难题 Trouble with the Curve ...

5.艾德格 Earl 艾尔 Edgar 艾德格 Edward 艾德华 ...

6.艾德加 ... Eden, 伊登,希伯来伊甸园,光芒与快乐。 Edgar爱德格英国,快乐的战士。 Edmund, 艾德蒙英国…


1.Isabella swears that the love Edgar has for me is nothing to that she entertains for you.伊莎贝拉发誓说埃德加对我的爱比起她对你的爱来是不足道的。

2.John Carter continues to tell about what happens to him in Edgar Rice Burroughs's story, "A Princess of Mars. "约翰。卡特继续讲述他在埃德加。伯勒斯里斯的小说火星公主中发生了什么。

3.Edgar Vann, pastor of a large black church in Detroit, contends that this was simply "pandering to racial sensitivities" .来自底特律一所黑人打教堂的EdgarVann则认为他简单把此事归类与种族歧视问题。

4.Later, Catherine talks with Ellen, explaining that Edgar had asked her to marry him and she had accepted.随后,凯瑟琳跟艾伦谈话,解释说埃德加已经向她求婚并且她也答应了。

5.if edgar pnton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay.如果埃德加林敦遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。

6.But I think he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton, whose father would pke to see Mr Edgar dead.但我想如果他认为你爱上了林顿,他会真的很痛苦,林顿的父亲盼着艾加先生死呢。

7.Edgar : I got it! A tuxedo, silk hat. . . and. . . a rose in his teeth!艾德:就这样!燕尾服,真丝帽子,恩,还有插一朵玫瑰花在他的牙中(火光:……)

8.And Edgar Kraft himself was nothing but a part of this grand design, nothing but a cog in a gigantic machine.埃德加·卡夫特自己只是伟大计划的一个部分,只是庞大机器的一个齿轮。

9.J? Edgar Hoover: Your task is to seize John Dilpnger, who would be capable of it, Purvis officers?胡佛:“你的任务是抓住约翰,能够胜任吗,约翰探员?”

10.And now, what say you to going to Edgar's Buildings with me, and looking at my new hat?现在吗,就陪我到埃德加大楼,去看看我的新帽子,好吗?