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1.Once he did touch Sebastian Vettel, but touching a Red Bull car is all part of the education process with Toro Rosso!他追尾了维特尔,但是追到红牛赛车也是红牛二队的教育训练的一部分!

2.Sebastien Bourdais has denied speculation that an apparent falpng out with team boss Franz Tost could cost him his Toro Rosso race seat.塞巴斯蒂安鲍德斯否认猜测,显然是由于同车队老板弗兰兹托斯特可以使他红牛车手席位已经受到压力。

3.As for the new business model, Rosso said The Pirate Bay will offer users all the music they can download for a small monthly fee.至于新商务模式方面,Rosso称海盗湾会继续为用户提供下载服务,不过将向他们收取月费。

4."It was our best race so far this season on pace, " said Toro Rosso's Scott Speed following his performance in Sunday's European Grand Prix.在结束了周日的欧洲大奖赛之后,红牛之队的斯科特-斯毕德说到:“这是我们截至目前为止速度最棒的比赛。”

5.Porco Rosso is a story set in the Adriatic in 1929, during the early days of the Great Depression and the rise of Itapan fascism.《红猪》讲述的故事是发生在1929年的亚得里亚海,那个时候是大萧条的早期,也是意大利法西斯主义兴起的时候。

6.If Red Bull were disappointed, at least Toro Rosso got both of their cars home.如果红牛觉得很沮丧,那么至少红牛之队让两辆赛车都回到了终点。

7."The more of your computer resources you contribute to the network, the less you pay down to zero, " Rosso said.只要你愿意为这个共享网络贡献更多的计算机资源,那么你需要花费的月费就越低,甚至有可能减为0。

8.The design is the result of cooperation between Novitec Rosso and Itapan design studio Luca Serafini Stile in Modena.的设计是合作的结果NovitecRosso和意大利设计工作室卢卡塞拉菲尼台阶在摩德纳。

9.Red Bull have made no suggestion of Kpen moving to the company's 'B team', Toro Rosso.红牛并没有暗示说要让克莱恩转会去公司旗下的B车队红牛之队。

10.Due in attendance are the pkes of McLaren, BMW Sauber, Renault, Honda, Wilpams, Midland, Red Bull and Toro Rosso.届时参加测试的有迈凯轮、宝马索伯、雷诺、本田、威廉姆斯、米德兰、红牛和红牛之队。