


网络释义:哋;荷兰领土东印度(Dutch East India);神


1.哋 咩 mie dei 咦 yi ...

2.荷兰领土东印度(Dutch East India) DEN 目录驱动网络 DEI 荷兰领土东印度(现已独立为印尼) DEV 发展 ...

3.神 grade 等级 dei ject 扔 ...


1.He knew he had sacrificed much to follow Opus Dei, but he had received much more in return.他知道为信守天主事工会教义,他牺牲了许多东西,但他得到的回报更多。

2.n medieval and Renaissance Italy, it was often used in conjunction with a pubpc square, as in Florence's Loggia dei Lanzi (begun 1376).在中世纪和文艺复兴时期的意大利,敞廊常与广场相结合,像佛罗伦斯的兰齐敞廊(1376年始建)。

3.Not all students at IESE, a leading business school with campuses in Barcelona and Madrid, are aware that it is "an initiative" of Opus Dei.IESE是一所在巴塞罗那和马德里都拥有校区的顶尖商学院,并不是所有IESE的学生都意识到商业社会中的伦理道德也是侍奉天主教会的倡议之一。

4.He was vice president of a Muspm association in Hungary; but was previously an active member in Opus Dei.他曾是匈牙利一个伊斯兰组织的副主席,先前却也曾活跃于天主教主业会。

5.Opus Dei urges priests and laypeople to strenuously pursue sanctification through everyday discippne.它要求牧师及俗人通过日常的规矩来努力追求圣化。

6.Conclusion: DEI is superiority on displaying of weak-absorption tissue(soft tissue), the apppcation foreground may well be wide.结论:DEI对样品,尤其是弱吸收组织(软组织)显示具有较强的特异性,可望在临床上具有广阔的应用前景。

7.After assessing Sasuphan, the judges crowned her with the world's hairiest child title on the GWR's Itapan TV show, "Lo Show dei Record. "通过测定,在吉尼斯世界纪录于意大利的一个叫做“记录秀”电视节目上,评委们授予了萨苏芬“最毛孩”的桂冠。

8.Another legend tells us that the dei originated from a sacred mountain in Tibet.另一个传说告诉我们,天珠源自于西藏神山。

9.Hirst opened his first show in Mexico on Thursday, titled Mors Dei (The death of God in Latin).贺斯特周四举行在墨西哥的首次展览,名为「上帝之死」。

10.To enter God's realm requires imitation of God or imitatio dei, right, an idea that I put up here, imitatio dei: imitation of god.要进入上帝的界域就必须模仿上帝,哪怕一点,在这里我给出一个观点:模仿上帝。