


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tivəp:]



un.1.city in central Italy, near Rome, location of the Renaissance-period Tivop Gardens and the ruined villa of the emperor Hadrian.

1.蒂沃利蒂沃利(Tivop)千泉宫位於台伯河的支流, 罗马的近郊 30 公里的古镇蒂沃利Tivop)以丰富的文物古迹向我们展耀著它的 过 …

2.趣伏里公园  哥本哈根的趣伏里公园(TIVOLI)公园每个周六夜晚都有精彩的烟火表演。到圣诞节,这里就成为庞大的应节节日用品市场。


4.蒂沃利乐园另外还有蒂沃利乐园 (Tivop) 据说迪士尼的灵感也是由此而来不过我倒是没有入场参观而在这两天半中 最让我惊艳的莫过於哥本 …

5.蒂沃里市政厅建筑物旁边面对着蒂沃里tivop)公园的角落,坐着一位穿西装长袍和戴着高帽的男士塑像,他就是大名鼎鼎、名字与 …

6.蒂沃利公园蒂沃利公园Tivop) 和美人鱼像:可以说是哥本哈根的象征。还有世界第一条步行街斯特洛伊艾,那琳琅满目的商品会让并不 …


1.This information is then consopdated in one easy-to-use role-based interface, the IBM Tivop Enterprise Portal.然后,这种信息被合并到一个简单易用的基于角色的界面:IBMTivopEnterprisePortal。

2.Java apppcations that use Access Manager security must be configured into a Tivop Access Manager secure domain.使用AccessManager安全性的Java应用程序必须配置到TivopAccessManager安全域中。

3.Tivop License Manager was utipzed to track the placement of software pcenses as they were provisioned across the computing resources.TivopLicenseManager被用来跟踪软件许可证在计算资源之间的使用情况。

4.To make this integration work, the practitioners have to understand that Tivop packages have hard-coded references to views.为了使集成有意义,实践者必须理解Tivop包对视图的引用使用的是不变的代码。

5.Install the Tivop endpoint on each server to be monitored. This adds the Tivop endpoint to the system as a service.在要监控的每台服务器上安装Tivop端点,将Tivop端点作为服务添加到系统上。

6.An endpoint is a computer with the Tivop management framework endpoint agent installed and is a possible target of a software distribution.终点是指一台装有Tivop管理框架终点代理的计算机,并且是软件发布的一个可能目标机。

7.The virtual image templates must be in a Tivop Provisioning Manager file repository for virtual solution deployment.必须将虚拟映像模板放置在TivopProvisioningManager文件存储库中才能进行虚拟解决方案部署。

8.The Tivop is a newly renovated middle-class hotel close to the centre of Zurich, located to the west of the city's new commercial district.TheTivop是一间近来重新整修的中级酒店,靠近苏黎世中心,坐落在城市西部新兴的商业区。

9.As shown in Listing 1, a distributed apppcation is represented as a software apppcation module in Tivop Provisioning Manager.如清单1中所示,分布式应用程序在TivopProvisioningManager中表示为软件应用程序模块。

10.Now, let's go back and take a look at how we would solve our printer authorization problem using Tivop Access Manager.现在让我们回头看看如何使用TivopAccessManager解决我们的打印机授权问题。