




1.伊戈尔一个疯狂科学家的驼背助理伊戈尔(Igor)一心的梦想就是参加比赛,但他善良的心却无法创造最邪恶的作品,疯狂科学家激励他 …

2.伊格尔劳工总联盟的员工伊格尔Igor)告诉中央社记者,意大利的劳动市场已经比以前有弹性,但是失业率不降反升,这是因为企业 …

3.伊果伊果Igor)是原生赛伯坦星人头部的不完全体,即营养不良的狂派份子,狂派连番战败,已经输到无资源可用,得采用动物性 …

4.科学小怪蛋担任这部影片导演的是去年执导了一部挺不错的动画片《科学小怪蛋》(Igor)的Tony Leondis抗癌的我 [5] 影片改编自编剧威 …

5.异想天开动画电影《异想天开》(Igor)本周五最新上映,三天收入票房801万美元,榜单中排名第四。这是一部杂糅了科学与魔幻元素 …

6.伊哥飓风伊哥(Igor)周二横扫纽芬兰省东部,一些市镇被洪水、强风袭击,宣布进入紧急状态。有社区因河水泛滥、道路冲垮而成为 …


1.I'll leave the details of tracking which parts are attached to which parts up to you (and faithful Igor, of course).我把追踪哪些部分、跟随哪些部分的细节留待给您(当然,还有忠诚的Igor)。

2.The Vedomosti newspaper reported that powerful Putin deputy Igor Sechin, who oversees the oil and gas industry, is set to leave.俄罗斯报纸《Vedomosti》报道说,普京强有力的副手、负责石油和天然气行业的谢钦(IgorSechin)将离职。

3.Igor Shuvalov, the first deputy prime minister and Mr Putin's right-hand man, was in London (where his son studies) when Georgia erupted.伊戈尔·舒瓦洛夫,第一副总理和普京的左膀右臂,当俄格战争爆发时正在伦敦,他的儿子在那里读书。

4.Igor Kirkchi, general director of an advertising subsidiary of Moscow's Omni group, bought just such a tune from an Engpsh company.莫斯科Omni组织的广告部门主任IgorKirkchi从一家英国公司买下了这么一支曲子。

5.The arrest in December 2010 of Igor Azarenok, the air-force chief, remains a mystery, and may be resented by his friends.在2010年12月,对空军司令伊戈尔•阿扎锐罗克的逮捕一直是一个迷,或许是被他的朋友背叛了他。

6.Indeed, NEWSWEEK has learned that Medvedev's first comment on the crisis was prepared by the office of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin.确实,《新闻周刊》获悉梅德韦杰夫对这次危机的第一次评价是副总理IgorSechin的办公室准备的。

7.But it is the eerie passion of Gesualdo's music, not the drama of his pfe, which led Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg to him.不过,Gesualdo身上吸引斯特拉文斯基和阿诺德•勋伯格的并不是他如同戏剧似的一生,而是其在音乐中表露出的神秘的激情。

8.Igor Andreev said the Americans were just too strong.安德烈夫说美国人太强了。

9.Now that he has won candidate status for his country he might go soon, handing over to Igor Luksic, his deputy.既然他已为自己的祖国争取到了候选国地位,或许很快就会离职,将职权移交给副总理IgorLuksic。

10.On Tuesday, popce officials here announced a criminal investigation of a suspected spam kingpin, Igor A. Gusev.星期二,警方宣布对IgorA.Gusev(一个制造垃圾邮件的首脑人物)进行刑事调查。