


美式发音: [ˈpflət] 英式发音: [ˈpːflət]




复数:leaflets  现在分词:leafleting  过去式:leafleted  同义词




1.散页印刷品;传单;(宣传或广告)小册子a printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to advertise or give information about sth

a leaflet on local places of interest介绍当地名胜的小册子


1.[i][t]~ (sb/sth)散发传单(或小册子)to give out leaflets to people

We did a lot of leafleting in the area.我们在此地散发了许多传单。



n.1.a printed sheet of paper, usually folded, that is provided free and gives information about something

v.1.to give leaflets to people in an area

1.传单 jot down 略记下;匆匆记下 13. leaflet 传单 14. notify 通知;告知 15. ...

2.小叶 lakelet 小湖 leaflet 小叶 statelet 小国家 ...

3.传单,活页 layer 层,层次;铺设者 leaflet 小叶,嫩叶;传单,活页 /favor 赞成,支持,偏爱 ...

4.小册子 layman n 外们汉 外行 leaflet n 传单 散页印刷品 小册子 lease n 租约 租契 ...

5.小叶,嫩叶 employee 雇员,雇工 leaflet 小叶,嫩叶;2.传单,活页 status 情形,状况;2.地位,身份 ...

6.广告 disappoint;booklet 小册子; leaflet 小叶,嫩叶;传单;广告 mutton 羊肉…

7.说明书 to provide the insurance 为...提供保险 leaflet 说明书 fine print 细则 ...

8.散页印刷品 leaf spring 片簧 leaflet 散页印刷品 leakage 泄漏 ...


1.By looking at this leaflet, you can see at a glance how much a loan will cost.看看这份宣传小册子,一眼就能看到贷款需付费多少。

2.You know for me, the interest in contemporary forms of slavery started with a leaflet that I picked up in London.我对于现代奴隶制度的兴趣是从我在伦敦读到的一个小宣传册开始的。

3.My husband shakes his head in dismay, offering me a knowing look that suggests he has read a leaflet on the menopause.丈夫沮丧地摇着头,不无同情地看着我,显然他读过了关于绝经期的小册子。

4.Some claims are, frankly, mad: a leaflet given out in Cork claims that Lisbon would let the EU bring in a Chinese-style one-child popcy.而有些说法则简直是疯言疯语了:Cork市有人散发传单,说欧盟将引入中国式的独生子政策。

5.The QTS Scheme consumer leaflet has no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash .优质旅游服务计划小册子并无现金价值,不能兑换现金。

6.The arrests come a day after the sentencing of two other activists, in what is now known as the leaflet detainees.在逮捕行动前一日,另有两名政运人士遭判刑,外界称他们为传单拘留犯。

7.Wait. . . (Take out a leaflet) I'm kind of running out of money.嘿,等等。(拿出一张广告纸)我最近手头有点紧……

8.As a result of the problems identified, an information leaflet has been produced and a home visiting service estabpshed.由于发现的问题,一个资料单张已生产和建立家访服务。

9.Of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leaflets .羽状复叶的一回羽状小叶。见小叶的插图。

10.I can hardly imagine using this gum produced books in the cold winter does leaflet, at least has the guarantee of the page.很难想象使用这种胶制作的书在寒冷的冬天不会散页,最起码是没有不散页的保证。