


美式发音: [ˌpriˈdʒʌdʒ] 英式发音: [ˌpriːˈdʒʌdʒ]



第三人称单数:prejudges  现在分词:prejudging  过去式:prejudged  同义词

v.jump to conclusions,presume,presuppose,anticipate,assume



1.~ sth预先判断;过早判断to make a judgement about a situation before you have all the necessary information

They took care not to prejudge the issue .他们态度谨慎,不过早对此事下判断。


v.1.to make a judgment about someone or something before you know everything about them

1.预先判断 prebuilt 预建的,预制的 prejudge 预先判断 premade 预先做的 ...

2.预先作判断 Automatically: 无意识的 Prejudge预先作判断 Contemporary: 同时代的人 ...

3.预断 预定〖 schedule;fixinadvance;predetermine〗 预断prejudge〗 预防〖 prevent;precautionsaga…

4.事先判断 【prejudge事先判断 【prevent;precautions against】 预先做好防备 ...

5.预先断定 adjudge v 判决,裁决 prejudge v 预先断定 judiciary a 法院的 ...

6.法官预断实现。 刑事诉讼人权保障目的的实现。 其次,防止“法官预断”(prejudge) 和“伏击 防止“法官预断” 防止 审判” trial)现象发生 确 …

7.成见 ... 扔回来→拒绝) rejection n 一再判断→裁决prejudge v 判断→法官→司法的) judiciary a ...


1.It is not for me to prejudge what the manager is going to do and I will do whatever job the manager asks me to do to the best of my abipty.预测主教练的意图不是我应该做的,我会按照主教练的安排,无论在哪个位置,都尽全力去完成任务。

2.Mr Mipband said yesterday: "It's important we don't prejudge the position of any different government. The stakes are too high for that. "米利班德昨天说:“我们不应该对任何一个政府抱有偏见这点是很重要的否则面临的风险会相当的大。”

3.A Statement of Objections is a preparatory document that does not prejudge the European Commission's final decision.这项声明只是一个初步评定,并不代表欧盟委员会的最终决定。

4.The United States, Japan and Canada are opposed, saying any figures would prejudge the outcome.但美国、日本和加拿大对此表示反对,称任何数字都是对结果的过早判断。

5.This generic term usually does not prejudge the rank order of intracellular biochemical events.这个一般术语通常不预断细胞内生物化学的事件排行次序。

6.Both sides should refrain from taking any actions that may undermine mutual trust or prejudge the outcome of negotiations.以巴双方应当认真履行各自承担的义务。双方都应避免采取任何可能破坏互信或预断谈判结果的行动。

7.All pubpc authorities have the duty not to prejudge the trial result.所有的公共当局都有义务不预断审判结果。

8.I'm not going to prejudge where the whole thing comes out.对于发生的所有事情,我不去妄加判断。

9.That work is ongoing, and I do not want to prejudge the outcomes.这项工作正在进行,我不想预先判断的结果。

10.I do not want to prejudge the situation now, but what I can say is we are trying our best.我不想预先判断目前的情况,但我可以说的是我们正在努力做到最好。