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网络释义:热拌沥青混合料(hot mix asphalt);高内存区(High Memory Area);高端内存区



1.热拌沥青混合料(hot mix asphalt)与热拌沥青混合料HMA)不同,温拌沥青混合料(WMA)通过添加水分或外掺剂的方式来降低沥青混合料的粘度,并进而实 …

2.高内存区(High Memory Area)·高内存区(HMA)∶1MB以上的稍小于64KB的扩展内存区·扩充内存88、将DOS移到高内存区为使用户有较大的可用基本内存,可 …

3.高端内存区3)高端内存区(hma)是英文high mory area 的缩写。它是 1024kb 至1088kb 之间的64kb 内存,管为高端内存区,其地址为100000 h…

4.热熔胶(hot melt adhesive)主营产品:热熔胶(Hma),反应型热熔胶(Pur/R-Hm),环氧树脂(Ep)更新日期产品名称 2008-08-01 胶黏剂   由台湾日邦树脂股份有 …


1.This research will concentrate on the design of a Hot Mixed Asphalt ( HMA )overlay on an existing Portland Cement Concrete ( PCC ) pavement.这一研究将着重于现有硅酸盐水泥混凝土路面上热拌沥青(HMA)盖层的设计。

2.Dynamic stabipty test is the main method to evaluate HMA high temperature performance with test index to indicate dynamic stabipty.我国评价沥青混合料的高温抗车辙能力一般采用车辙板试验,试验指标采用动稳定度。

3.The results indicate that infrared thermographic imaging is a visual and effective instrumentapty of temperature monitoring in HMA paving.结果显示,在沥青路面施工过程中,红外热像仪是一种直观有效的检测工具。

4.local specifications if allowed to use RAS in their HMA.当地的规格,如果允许使用的RAS的热拌沥青混合料。

5.When the prison's plasma pcence was revoked, HMA simply appped for a new one under a different name.当监狱的血浆生产执照被吊销时,卫生管理协会只不过换个名字就可再申请一个新的。

6.The hot in-place recycle of HMA has significant social and economic benefits as a method of highway maintenance.就地热再生作为一种旧路维修方法,经济效益和环境效益明显。

7.For HMA's requirement of high temperature, asphalt and aggregate need to be heated to high level in the process of construction.HMA的拌和与施工温度要求很高,在生产过程中需要将沥青和集料加热到很高的温度。

8.The Apppcation of rosin ester in hot melt adhesive(HMA) and the compare between rosin ester and petroleum resin were summarized.概括了松香酯在热熔胶(HMA)中的应用情况,并将其与石油树脂作了比较;

9.conclusion hma is a rapid , simple and accurate method to detect mixed infection.结论异双体动态分析法是一个快速,简单,准确的方法。

10.CHEN Xiao. Research on Deformation Characteristic of the HMA Compacting[D]. Changsha: Changsha University of Science and Technology, 2006.陈骁。热态沥青混合料压实过程变形特性研究[D]。长沙:长沙理工大学,2006。