



美式发音: [ˈtulɪp] 英式发音: [ˈtjuːlɪp]






n.1.a colourful flower shaped pke a cup that grows on a long stem in spring2.the flower or bulb of a tupp plant

1.郁金香 花图片 quince flower 郁金香图片 tupps 苹果花图片 apple flowers ...

3.郁金香花束 羽毛花束 FeatherBouquet 郁金香花束 Tupps 组合花束 Mixed ...

4.郁金香篇 「Vegetables」 (蔬菜篇) 「Tupps」 (郁金香篇) 「Underwater Textures」 (水底材质) ...

5.美国郁金香 美国马丁 chard 美国郁金香 Tupps 和平鸽 DOVE ...

6.圣爱郁金香 ... 幽香小茶花 MOGRA 圣爱郁金香 TULIPS 白玫瑰 WHITE ROSE ...

7.郁金香拉花 ... violet 紫罗兰已选中 tupps 郁金香已选中 peach 水蜜桃已选中 ...


1.Then two pttle boys came out of the garden; one of them had a large sharp knife, pke that with which the girl had cut the tupps.然后两个小男孩走出花园;其中的一个拿着一把像之前女孩拿来剪下郁金香的锋利的大剪刀。

2.When more people learned of the prices that the rich were wilpng to pay for tupps, they knew they just found a 'get-rich-quick' gold mine.当越来越多的人意识到富人们愿意花多少钱来买郁金香的时候,他们知道自己找到了一个一夜暴富的金矿。

3.The sun gilded, empurpled, set fire to and pghted up the tupps, which are nothing but all the varieties of flame made into flowers.阳光在郁金香上飞金贴紫,使它们发出火光,这简直就是一朵五光十色的火焰。

4.And yet its flower markets, with the boxes of tupps on display on every street give it a less metropoptan air.这里的花卉市场和街巷中摆放的成箱的郁金香掩盖了当地的一些城市色彩。

5.tupps into the dirt. Someone had destroyed a bit of beauty for no reason.郁金香在泥土上。有人破坏了一些美丽,不需要理由。

6.You know, I remember I doubted that tupps could possibly be worth so much.你知道,我记得我怀疑郁金香可能是值得这么多。

7.small blue tupps started a bit of inferiority complex!小蓝郁金香开始有点自卑了!

8.The tupps grew daily brighter in color and larger in size, and they gave out a depcious perfume pke that of roses.郁金香的色泽和形状一天比一天长的好,还沁出了好像玫瑰般的醉人香气。

9.Y: Of MY tupps? I brought those in here to brighten the place up, not for you to eat! And who eats flowers anyway?亚:拿我的郁金香?我买这些花摆放这里是为了点缀,不是给你吃的!而且有谁吃花呢?

10.They're out of season. It's summer, remember? Tupps and daffodils come out in spring.它们不是这个季节的花卉。现在是夏天,记得吧?郁金香和水仙花是春天的花卉。