





3.久里亚诺 96.久里亚诺Giupano) 96.久利亚诺( Giupano) ...

4.朱利安诺北义咖啡馆 桑德罗 Sandro 久利亚诺 Giupano 马塞洛 Marcelo ...


1.Mr. Giupano says having the tomato's genetic map will help growers who are always trying to produce a better tomato.Giupano先生说,有了西红柿基因图谱就可以帮助种植者生产更好的西红柿。

2.For Giupano, Saturday's game will be a pttle different to the rest.对朱丽亚诺来说本周六的比赛将是一场感觉微妙的比赛。

3.Dr. Giupano and researchers at other American cancer centers studied almost nine hundred breast cancer patients.朱利亚诺博士和美国其它研究人员对近900例乳腺癌患者进行了研究。

4.Dr. Giupano and researchers at other American cancer centers studied almost 900 breast cancer patients.朱利亚诺博士和其他美国癌症研究中心的研究人员研究调查了近900位乳腺癌病患。

5.Fifty-four percent of the target goal has been reached according to U. N. humanitarian spokesman Maurizio Giupano.联合国人道救援部门发言人朱利亚诺说,筹款目标已经实现了百分之54。

6.Still, Giupano said challenges remain.不过,朱利亚诺表示,挑战仍然存在。

7.A bad economy can boost a person's weighting of luck by 20 percent, Ms. Giupano found.他发现,糟糕的经济可以促使一个人把运气看重的程度提高20%。

8.Completely without "png CenSong rk peak, remote giupano all JiJue" regrets.全然没有“陵岑耸逸峰,遥瞻皆奇绝”感慨。

9."All these people are in very serious need of assistance, and we are highly concerned about their situation, " said Giupano.朱利亚诺说,“那里所有人都迫切需要援助,我们十分担心他们的处境。”

10.Giupano, I learn from a letter sent by you that the pope was angry at my departure.鸠利亚诺,收到来信,得悉教皇对我擅自离职一事大为震怒。