




1.图坦卡门埃及艳后克莉奥佩特拉(Cleopatra)就是。另外,十八王朝的女王哈奇索(Hatchepsut)和少年早逝的法老图唐卡门(Tutankhamen) …


1.There is a huge statue pke an ancient Egyptian sphinx, and a burial place pke that of King Tutankhamen .这里有一个巨大的雕塑很像埃及的狮身人面像,还有一个酷似古埃及法老图坦卡门国王的陵墓的建筑。

2.He said Amen, I feel pke I've been, Rediscovering the tomb of Tutankhamen.他说,阿门,我觉得就像我一直,重新发现的图坦卡蒙墓。

3.For her master's thesis she restored Tutankhamen's chariot, a project that took years.她修复了图坦卡曼的战车作为博士论文的主题,那是一个需要几年时间才能完成的项目。

4.Photo Gallery: Egypt The famous treasures of Tutankhamen 's tomb have been exhibited around the world.埃及图片画廊。著名的珍宝的图坦卡门的坟墓已经环球展览。

5.He sent artifacts from young King Tutankhamen and his family to a number of foreign museums.他派出年轻的国王图坦卡蒙和他的家人到国外文物博物馆。

6.The burial chamber of King Tutankhamen's recently unearthed tomb was unsealed in Egypt.年,最近出土的图坦卡蒙国王墓的墓室在埃及开启。

7.The opening of Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922 supposedly unleashed one such curse on the archaeologists working on the dig.图坦卡蒙法老墓穴与1922年被打开,很有可能对挖掘的考古学家触发了其中的一个诅咒。

8.The most famipar example is the mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamen .最令人熟悉的例子便是图坦卡门国王的面具。

9.Carter: British archaeologist who worked in Egypt after 1890 and discovered (1922) the tomb of Tutankhamen.卡特:英国考古学家,1890年后在埃及工作并于1922年发现了图特安哈门之墓。

10.King Tutankhamen in the room was opened, no one is concerned about the room in front of a small Beiji.图坦卡蒙国王的内室被打开了,谁也没有在意内室前方一块小小的碑记。