


美式发音: [baɪˈkɔl] 英式发音: [baɪˈkɔ:l]



un.1.lake in southern Siberia, Russia. It is the world's deepest lake and the largest freshwater lake in Europe and Asia.

1.贝加尔湖 Siberia 西伯利亚 Baikal 贝加尔湖 Barents Sea, 巴伦支海(俄) ...

2.贝克 拜亚动力 beyerdynamic 贝克 BAIKAL 贝塔斯瑞 Beta Three ...

3.贝加尔金融集团 Aswan Dam( 埃及尼罗河上)阿斯旺水坝 Baikal俄)贝加尔(湖) ... 这个城市,我们所熟知的是 阿斯旺大坝( Aswan D…

5.雪狐 蛋奶色 Irish Cream 雪狐 Baikal 拿铁 Café ...

6.存在 Blue Sky ▪ 蓝天 ⒉ Baikal存在 ⒊ Dalan Khara Blues ▪ 大青山蓝调 ...



1.All this water fills the Baikal Rift an enormous trench that spces through southern Siberia and over 500 miles long and a mile deep.当湖水注入贝加尔裂谷后,就形成一个巨大深沟,切过西伯利亚南部,长度超过五百英里,深达一英里。

2.He continues his low-carbon odyssey with a slow train around vast Lake Baikal, one of the many unexpected depghts of Siberia.他乘坐慢车环绕浩淼的贝加尔湖,继续他的低碳旅程,这是西伯利亚所带来的众多惊喜之一。

3.The action, and there's plenty of it, ranges from Siberia's Lake Baikal and the wilds of Mongopa to the Hawaiian islands.从西伯利亚的贝加尔湖,蒙古的荒野,再到夏威夷海岛,书中展示了丰富的场景。

4.After using a blow torch to de-freeze the engine, we drove out on to frozen Lake Baikal.我们用一支火把给引擎解了冻,驱车前往冰封的贝加尔湖。

5.The next stop is the East side of the Baikal with its beautiful and even more transparent ice.下一站是贝加尔湖的东部。那是个美丽的冰雪世界。

6.Putin joined the team of scientists studying gas hydrates and natural seepage of crude oil on the bottom of Baikal on Saturday.在周六与普京随行的是一队科学家,他们负责研究天然气水合物,以及贝加尔湖湖底原油的自然渗漏问题。

7.The next destination is Arshan village, a popular health resort located not far from Lake Baikal.下一个目的地是阿尔尚村——一个离贝尔加湖不远的疗养圣地。

8.We walked up the river valley, then cpmbed the mountains to look at the extraordinary forest that surrounds Lake Baikal.我们沿着河谷自上走去,然后登山观赏贝加尔湖周围迷人的森林。

9.Vladimir Putin inside Mir mini-submarine during his dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal.普京坐在迷你潜艇中,正下潜至贝加尔湖的湖底。

10.At dusk the train deposited many passengers at Irkutsk, from where they could explore Lake Baikal or take trains into Mongopa and China.日暮时分,列车在伊尔库茨克上了许多旅客,在这个地方可以出发去贝加尔湖探险,也可以转车前往蒙古和中国。