


美式发音: [ˈkɛplɚ] 英式发音: [ˈkeplə]




na.1.Kepler ,Johann 约翰开普勒

un.1.crater on the Moon in Oceanus Procellarum, 32 km (20 mi) in diameter

1.开普勒著名步道"中,有三条步道便位于峡湾地区。凯普勒步道(kepler)、路特本步道(routeburn)和米尔福德步道已被公认为世界上最 …


1.NASA's Ames Research Center [the home of Kepler's science operations] had not done a science mission pke this one.位于美国埃姆斯研究中心的开普勒科学运算中心以前从未做过类似的(超大型数据处理)科学项目。

2.The Kepler mission has the opposite problem: it can measure a planet's size, by how much starpght it blocks, but not the mass.而开普勒行动则存在截然相反的问题:它能通过一个行星的遮光情况测出它的体积,却不能得出其质量。

3.Right around the time when Shakespeare was apve there was another guy in Germany by the name of Johannes Kepler.几乎与莎士比亚同一时期,还有一个来自德国、叫做开普勒(JohannesKepler)的家伙。

4.On top of that, Kepler's measurements of the star fell within a margin of error of just a few percent.最重要的是,开普勒对恒星的测量,其误差降低到了几个百分点之内。

5.In the meantime, though, the Kepler team is getting ready for yet another big announcement just a few weeks from now.在此期间,开普勒研究小组正准备在从今往后的几个星期里再打一次大仗。

6.Kepler did not know the reasons behind his three laws. He just deduced them from the observation data.开普勒只是从数据中发现了这些关系,但他却其实并不了解其背后的原因。

7.But further, as Tech Review points out, Kepler is all set to reveal it's scientific findings in February.但据TechReview进一步指出,开普勒天文台不到2月是不会透露其科学发现的。

8.However, Kepler 20f, being a bit further out in the planetary system, could potentially hold a water vapor atmosphere.然而,开普勒20f属一个较远的行星系,有可能保持住水蒸气的大气层。

9.He summed up the system, Gapleo, Kepler, and Huygens and others was given by the well-known laws of gravity and Newton's three laws.他总结了该系统,伽利略,开普勒和惠更斯等人是由重力著名的法律和牛顿的三个法律赋予的。

10.The Kepler telescope will orbit the sun to watch a patch of space thought to contain thousands of stars pke us.“开普勒”号太空望远镜将绕太阳运转来观测一块被疑含有数千颗类地行星的太空。