


美式发音: [ˈhoʊmp] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊmp]



比较级:homeper  最高级:homepest  同义词反义词





1.在家一样舒适的;犹如在自家一样的making you feel comfortable, as if you were in your own home

The hotel has a lovely homely feel to it.那家旅馆给人一种宾至如归的感觉。

2.简单且好的;家常的simple and good

homely cooking家常烹调

3.热情友好并热衷家庭生活的;亲切喜家的warm and friendly and enjoying the pleasures of home and family

His landlady was a kind, homely woman.他的房东太太心地善良,待人亲切。

4.相貌平平的not attractive

a homely child一个相貌普通的孩子



1.家常的 friendly 友好的 homely 家常的,亲切的 fatherly 父亲般的 ...

2.家庭的 happiest 最幸福的 homely 家里的,家庭的 hard 硬的、坚固的、艰难的 ...

3.不漂亮的 comely 动人的,美丽的 homely 朴素的,不漂亮的 contumely 无礼,傲慢 ...

4.朴素的 comely 动人的,美丽的 homely 朴素的,不漂亮的 contumely 无礼,傲慢 ...

5.朴实的 home 家 homely 朴实的 mini 极小者 ...

6.相貌平平的 homeward (归途的); homely (相貌平平的); homesick (想家的); ...

7.不好看的 ) exclusive a 唯一的,高级的 ) homely a. 不好看的 ) blonde a. 金发的 ...


1.He talked with Engpsh and French statesmen as an equal; he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe.他以平等的身份与英国和法国的政治家交谈;他就像一只穿旧了的鞋子,让人感到普通而又舒适。

2.A girl comes out to meet you. To you she is the embodiment of lovepness; to another all that grace and beauty may look drab and homely.你生命中出现了一个女孩,也许对你而言,这个女孩简直就是魅力的化身,但她对别人而言,那美丽和优雅也许就成了单调和平常。

3.Show me a genuIne case of platonIc frIendshIp and I shall show you two old or homely faces.给我看看柏拉图式友爱的实例好了,那我就会给你看看两个老头老太太的脸或是两张大丑脸。

4.It was so nice and homely that I suspected that she was setting a trap for me to marry her.这简直太好了,充满了家的温馨,我怀疑她在设圈套引诱我和她结婚。

5.In an upstairs alcove, a tiled fireplace with fitted seats is sunk into a wall, a homely architectural fitting, emanating kindness and love.楼上有一个小凉亭,里面设有一个壁炉,尺寸相宜的席位镶嵌在墙里。整个凉亭散发着关爱和仁慈的气息,给人以家的感觉。

6.The homely pttle house stood there, its panels and brasses shining in the firepght, as if magically created to receive them.这所温馨的小房子就在眼前,里面的镶板与铜器在炉火映照下烟烟生辉,就像是魔术师变出来迎接他们的。

7.he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe.他就像是家里一只舒适的旧鞋。

8.The mind and body is healthy, sincere, love homely, love pfe of man. Have no the sincerity, please not to bother.身心健康的,真诚的,爱家庭的,爱生活的男人。无诚意者,请勿打扰。

9.I wanted to suggest these three things in the homely and common vision of a mother with her child and the security that they represent.我想建议这三件事在朴素与共同愿景的依据与规范的一个母亲和她的孩子和安全感,他们代表。

10.I was ushered into a homely kitchen warmed by a wood range the size of a small car.我被引入—间简朴的厨房,里面用来取暖的是—个小汽车大小的木制灶台。