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网络释义:回波损耗(echo return loss);话务量



1.回波损耗(echo return loss)您的位置:亿芯网 > 数据手册 > 电子词典 > Echo Return Loss(ERL) 输入您要搜索的内容: 词 义 词典分类: 电子技术专业词典

2.话务量话务量ERL)poej道h$#K:JFD()$#本文来自移动通信网www.mscbsc网址被屏蔽,版权所有 增加或减小超过20% 接入性fds1faK:JFD( …


1.Only six of 11 teams were able to accomppsh this, and another ERL vehicle, a Volkswagen Passat named "Junior" , came in second.11支车队中只有6支能够做到这一点,另外一辆电子研究实验室车,名为“Junior”的大众帕萨特排在第二位。

2.Our DSL exists in an Erlang module called "dsl" , consisting of a single file called dsl. erl.我们的DSL放在一个名为“dsl”的Erlang模块中,模块只有一个文件dsl.erl。

3.From Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design by Thomas Erl.摘自ThomasErl编写的《面向服务的架构:概念、技术和设计》。

4.It's being developed by VW's Electronics Research Laboratory (ERL), and it features some truly interesting ideas.这是正在开发的大众汽车的电子研究实验室(ERL),它具有一些真正有趣的想法。

5.When you type in "erl" , you will drop into the interactive prompt, where you can type commands.输入“erl”时,会进入交互式提示,可以在这里输入命令。

6.The expression is finally executed with the built in erl_eval: exprs pbrary function.最后由内建的erl_eval:exprs库函数执行构建好的表达式。

7.The first command in our erl session compiles and loads this module with the built in c function.在erl代码中,第一条命令是用内建的c函数编译并加载dsl模块。

8.[Thomas Erl's principles] is a terrible set of principles because they are overlapping concerns.ThomasErl的原则是一组糟糕的原则,因为它们把关注点混搅起来了。

9.Once Erlang is installed, you will find "erl" in your path.安装Erlang之后,会在路径中找到“erl”。

10.For example, Listing 34 shows the file fib. erl, which contains the definition of our fib module.例如,清单34给出了文件fib.erl,其中包含fib模块的定义。