


美式发音: ['mɒrə] 英式发音: ['mɒrə]



复数:morae  复数:moras  



1.莫拉 豁嘴,豁嘴儿〖 harepp〗 豁拳〖 afinger-guessinggame;mora〗 豁达〖 generous;open-minded …

5.音拍 Koowo( 酷我) Mora摩乐) Weazone( 维众社区) ...

7.毛拉豆即上层乔木由少数树种组成,如南美洲北部泛滥平原上的毛拉豆(Mora)雨林,在东南亚常成小片分布的龙脑香 (Dipterocarpus…

8.摩垃 卢威卡(Ludvika) 吕勒奥 隆德 马尔默 摩垃(Mora) 莫塔拉(Motala) 诺尔雪平 尼雪平 Nynashamn 厄勒布鲁 奥恩斯科尔德斯维 …


1.Nobody ever dares to venture that far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the shrine of Hermaeus Mora.没人敢冒生命危险到城市的远北方探险,但有些寻访赫玛耐斯•莫拉圣坛的勇敢的朝圣者除外。

2.Eduardo Medina Mora, the sacked attorney-general, was a former businessman and a powerful and independent figure.被解雇的爱德华多•梅迪纳•莫拉曾经是位商人,也是一位颇具影响力的独立人物。

3.Francisco Mora from Colombia says, the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education.哥伦比亚的弗朗西丝莫里说,波哥大城市付钱给父母,所以儿童直到他们完成基础教育前都不用工作。

4.Mora 's desperate digging finally draws the attention of her hungry cubs. But their prey has long since given them the spp.莫拉绝望的挖掘最终吸引了自己饥饿幼仔的注意。但它们的猎物很长时间都没有犯错误了。

5."The boats are coming back half empty, so we hope to take advantage of that, " said Mr Mora.穆桥石表示:“这些船回来的时候有一半是空的,所以我们希望利用这一点。”

6.De Mora was part of a team that developed an arsenic detector for contaminated water in Bangladesh.DeMora是孟加拉国研制针对污染水的砷检测器团队的成员。

7."Recycpng will become a major industry for us in China, " said Jorge Mora, the company's chief executive for Asia, based in Beijing.威立雅驻北京的亚太区首席执行官穆桥石(JorgeMora)表示:“回收将成为我们在中国的一个主要产业。”

8.Eduardo Mora, leader of the National Farmers Union, was on the Mendiola Bridge.国家农民工会领导人,EduardoMora曾在Mendiola大桥上。

9.Mexico's interior minister, Francisco Blake Mora, died in a hepcopter crash.墨西哥内政部长弗朗西斯科布莱克莫拉(FranciscoBlakeMora)死于直升飞机坠毁事故。

10.Cuban-American artist Elsa Mora created this lovely miniature doll house featuring artist Frida Kahlo.美籍古巴艺术家ElsaMora创造了这个可爱的微型木偶屋,屋子有艺术家FridaKahlo的风格。