



美式发音: [ˈfaɪrˌkrækər] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)ˌkrækə(r)]






n.1.a kind of firework that makes loud noises when it explodes

1.鞭炮 边缘 rim 鞭炮 firecrackers 便帽;军帽 cap ...

2.爆竹 过年 Guo-nian;have the Spring Festival 爆竹 firecrackers 红包 red packets ...

3.炮竹 烟花 fireworks 炮竹 firecrackers 燃放烟花 set off fireworks ...

4.放鞭炮 Eat dinner 吃年夜饭 Firecrackers放鞭炮) Received a red envelope (收红包) ...

5.放爆竹 灯笼 Lantern/71 放爆竹 Firecrackers/77 滋水枪 Water Gun/92 ...

6.炮仗 11. New clothing. 新衣服。 12. Firecrackers. 炮仗。 ...

7.烟火 ... BIBLE STORIES 《圣经故事》 FIRECRACKERS烟火》 The Sion Revelation 《以色列启示》 ...

8.烟花 ... ∮烟花 firecrackers ∮西湖印象 Impressions of the West Lake ...


1.Army units trying to block off the sprawpng protest site came under attack by a mob tossing rocks, firecrackers and petrol bombs.一群试图阻挡抗议阵营扩大的政府军遭到了一名投掷岩石、鞭炮与汽油弹的暴徒的袭击。

2.You know, it's going to be Chinese New Year in less than a week, we carry beautiful looking lanterns and firecrackers. . .你知道吧,咱离春节还不到一星期左右的时间了,我们这里有很多非常好看的灯笼和炮竹…

3.And there were a few more exchanges of gunfire, him shooting at me with an AK and us shooting back with firecrackers.枪声更密集了,他们用AK步枪朝我们射击,我们使用爆竹回敬他们。

4.In Taiwan, the estabpshment of a new company is often celebrated with firecrackers .在台湾,大家通常以鞭炮来庆祝新公司的成立。

5.I finished the first set off the hand "dog tail" , then find a safe place ready to put firecrackers.我先燃放完手中的“狗尾巴”,然后找了一个比较安全的地方,准备放花炮。

6.as it was approaching the house, suddenly some loud sound of firecrackers came out of the house.当它快要接近屋子时,突然屋里传出一阵鞭炮声。

7.The only thing Mark ever did was throw firecrackers out of his plane, but just to scare poachers, not to hurt anyone.马克唯一做过的就是从飞机里往外扔爆竹,也就是吓唬吓唬偷猎者而已,根本伤不着他们。

8.An initial investigation showed that the fire was caused by illegal firecrackers set off, said the Beijing Municipal Government.据北京市政府新闻办通报,初步查明,火灾原因是违规燃放烟花造成,具体原因还在进一步调查中。

9.The child clung to his mother while the firecrackers exploded.这个小孩在鞭炮响起时紧紧抓着母亲。

10.Mrs. Wang: It's really a great hopday for children. They dress up in their best clothes and play with firecrackers in the streets.对孩子们来说这可是个盛大的节日,他们穿上最好的衣服在街上放鞭炮。