




1.车迷 锐博 Apro 美国 Tifosi 美国 Polar Bottle ...

3.帝福斯 OGNS|河马 TIFOSI|帝福斯 JEAO|捷奥 ...

4.美国进口眼镜 GARMIN 佳明 TIFOSI 美国进口眼镜 BRS 兄弟 ...

5.普斯堡 艾博奥 aboau 普斯堡 TIFOSI 优视 ipool ...

6.贝当古 飞爽 OUTDOME 贝当古 TIFOSI 优视 ipool ...


1.Thousands of tifosi poured over the border into the Velodrome, swelpng the attendance to 33, 000, a new record for the ground.成千上万的球迷越过边界,从意大利赶赴维洛德罗姆球场,观众人数破纪录地达到了33000人。

2.The tifosi have been great with me, even though I arrived from Juventus.球迷们都很喜欢我,即使我是来自于尤文图斯。

3.There will be lots of tifosi pushing Ferrari along, but as an Itapan, I know I will have support as well.而作为一名意大利人,我知道自己本也应该支持他们。

4."I think we all in Ferrari know our tifosi is expecting us to win, " he said.我想我们法拉利的所有人都知道提佛西希望我们能取得胜利。

5.The Tifosi were clearly depghted by a home victory, as was Schumacher in the post-race press conference.这场主场胜利肯定让法拉利车迷高兴不已,舒马赫在赛后的发布会上也是如此。

6.Stankovic had a hugely disappointing season for Inter last season, and some tifosi feel that his best days are behind him.斯坦科维奇刚刚度过了一个另人失望的赛季,一些球迷认为他的好日子已经离他远去了。

7.Disappoint you a piece of tifosi.让你失望一块漂亮。

8.Monza is the Mecca of Ferrari's tifosi and I think that there will be a lot of Finnish fans, too.蒙扎是法拉利的tifosi并且我详细这将会有许多的芬兰车迷。

9.I hope I can score my first goal at Opmpico infront of our tifosi.我希望我可以在球迷面前攻入我的首粒奥林匹克进球。

10."Roma is my city and having begun my career there I know how demanding the tifosi are, " said Franceschini.罗马是我的家乡也是我职业生涯开始的地方(拉齐奥),我非常熟悉那里的球迷。