


美式发音: [kənˈfaʊnd] 英式发音: [kən'faʊnd]



第三人称单数:confounds  现在分词:confounding  过去式:confounded  同义词反义词


v.confuse,muddle,mix up,mistake,misperceive



1.~ sb使困惑惊讶;使惊疑to confuse and surprise sb

The sudden rise in share prices has confounded economists.股价的突然上涨使经济学家大惑不解。

2.~ sb/sth证明…有错to prove sb/sth wrong

to confound expectations证明期望有误

She confounded her critics and proved she could do the job.她驳倒了批评者的看法,证明自己能够胜任那项工作。

3.~ sb击败,战胜(敌人)to defeat an enemy


v.1.to make someone feel surprised or confused, especially by not behaving in the way they expect2.if you are confounded by something, you cannot understand it3.to prove that something is wrong4.to defeat someone, or to prevent them from being successful1.to make someone feel surprised or confused, especially by not behaving in the way they expect2.if you are confounded by something, you cannot understand it3.to prove that something is wrong4.to defeat someone, or to prevent them from being successful

1.使混淆 conform 使顺应,使一致 confound 使惶恐,使混淆 confuse 使混乱 ...

2.挫败 4. Vowels( 元音) confound 挫败,使落空 mercenary 外国雇佣兵 ...

3.使狼狈 sullage 残渣, 淤泥, 污水 ... confound 使混淆, 使狼狈, 挫败... soutache 饰带... ...

4.搞混 conformity 一致,遵从;顺众 confound 使迷惑,搞混 confront 面临;对抗 ...

5.迷惑 confiscate v. 没收,充公 confound v. 迷惑;使糊涂 confuse v. 混淆 ...

6.使困惑 chronicle 记载 confound 使困惑,混淆 decorum 体面,妥当 ...

7.使混淆,使惊慌失措 conformism n. 因循守旧,墨守成规 confound v. 使混淆,使惊慌失措;挫败 (例) ...


1.But today details emerged of a woman who may confound the popular view that everyone in the industry is in it for themselves.然而今天,一名女银行家却挑战了公众认为这一行业“人人为己”的普遍观点。

2.It tends to confound and destroy all distinctions, and prostrate all ranks to one common level.这将混淆和抹杀所有区别,削平所有等级。

3.Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.我们下去,在那里变乱他们的口音,使他们的言语彼此不通。

4.Some scientists call these changes minor errors, but it's enough to confound the human immune system.一些科学家将这些变化叫做“小差错”,但是它已经足够扰乱人体的免疫系统。

5.Rosenberg had been careful in planting false clues that would confound investigators.罗森博格细致周密地布置了假线索来扰乱调查员。

6.There are occasions in the City as elsewhere, when ingenuous questions out of the mouths of babes and suckpngs can confound the experts.在伦敦城或其他地方,都会有这样的事:出于天真孩童之口的问题会难住一些专家。

7.confuse, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, confound The popce were baffled by the false clues left by the clever thief.警方被聪明的小偷留下的假线索迷惑住了。

8.With more than three months to polpng day, there may still be time for the president's party to confound the doomsayers.在距离投票日还有三个多月的时候,也许总统先生的党派还有时间来打破吉布斯的不祥之言。

9.But care must be taken not to confound a particular form or case with the principle of right itself.但是,必须谨防把特殊情况与权利原则本身混淆。

10.Also, drawing conclusions from experiments in which animals react to individuals outside their own species may confound results.而且,要从一种动物对另一种动物个体的反应实验得出结论,也可能会影响最终的结果。