




1.陈太太 ... 用来称呼'小姐',如陈小姐 = miss chen 用来称呼'太太',如陈太太 = mrs chen 用来称呼'先生',如陈先生 = mr chen ...


1.How much beef does Mrs. Chen get?陈太太买多少牛肉?

2.Mrs. Chen carries with her some specially prepared depcacies, depvering them to the gates of her daughter's boarding school.陈老师带着特别烹制的美味,送到正在住校的女儿宿舍门口。

3.Mrs. Chen, What do you think of this unit? It has a beautiful hill view and a quiet environment.陈太太,你觉得这个单位怎么样?这个单位面向山景,风景不错,环境安静。

4.Mrs Chen told the mechanic that this TV set had to be repaired as soon as possible.陈太太告诉修理工这台电视机必须尽快修好。

5.Mrs. Chen, as you can see, the decoration is in perfect condition. The kitchen, is on your left.陈太太,这个单位装修挺好的,厨房就在左边。

6.I have found [Mrs Chen] to be a hard-working person, who has made some outstanding achievements in [her] work.我发现她是一位勤奋工作的人,在工作中做出过一些突出的成绩。

7.Mrs. Chen, what do you think about this unit?陈太太,你觉得这单位怎么样?

8.Oh yes, Mrs. Chen. I ambition provide the marketing information for your meaning for soon for feasible.噢!好的,陈太太。我会尽快提供其它他物业资料给你参考。

9.I take pleasure in recommending to you [Mrs Chen Ping], [instructor of physics in Tianjin Chinese Medical College].我高兴地向您推荐[天津中医学陆军物理学讲师陈平夫人]。

10.Still in Shanghai, thank the invitation of Mrs. Chen, I met the Living Buddha from Yushu in Qinghai at a collective dinner.还在上海,感谢陈女士的邀请,我在一个集体晚宴上见到了来自青海玉树的活佛。