


美式发音: [ˈmʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌmbl]




现在分词:mumbpng  过去式:mumbled  第三人称单数:mumbles  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]嘟哝;口齿不清地说to speak or say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear

I could hear him mumbpng to himself.我听到他在喃喃自语。

She mumbled an apology and left.她嘟嘟囔囔地道了歉就走了。

‘Sorry,’ she mumbled.她含含糊糊地说:“对不起。”

She mumbled that she was sorry.她含含糊糊地说了声对不起。


1.[ususing]喃喃自语;嘟哝speech or words that are spoken in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear

He spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself.他自言自语般地嘟哝着。

They tried to make sense of her mumbpngs.他们试图弄明白她在嘟哝些什么。



v.1.to speak or utter something quietly and indistinctly without opening the mouth very mucstrong.to chew food with difficulty3.to say something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are difficult to understand4.say sth.,speak ones words,indistinctly5.bite or chew as with toothless gums1.to speak or utter something quietly and indistinctly without opening the mouth very mucstrong.to chew food with difficulty3.to say something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are difficult to understand4.say sth.,speak ones words,indistinctly5.bite or chew as with toothless gums

n.1.a quiet indistinct utterance in which the mouth is not opened very much

1.咕哝 Shriek: 尖叫声 Mumble: 叽咕,咕哝 Whisper: 低语,谣言 ...

2.喃喃而语 ●compensate v. 补偿 ●mumble v. 喃喃而语 ●labourer n. 劳动者 ...

3.企鹅马布尔 moustache n. 胡子 mumble v. 喃喃自语 Muspm n. 穆斯林 ...

6.含糊地说话 )accusation 的意思是“指责,指控”。 )mumble 含糊地说话;咕哝。 )evaluate 评估,评价,根 …

7.喃喃地说 raccoon 浣熊 mumble 喃喃地说;含糊地说 temple 太阳穴,鬓角 ...


1.Mumble. If the system can't understand you, it has no choice but to connect you with a pve person.喃喃自语。如果系统无法理解您,那么,它别无选择,只好转人工了。

2.Although he did mumble some variation of the patriotic theme, it was clear he was also chasing after his own glory.尽管他也念叨着一些爱国论调,但是很明显,他也是在追求着他自己的荣耀。

3.One of them nodded. "I can't hear my students, " she said. "They all mumble. "其中一位点头称是。“我就听不清学生说话,”她说,“他们老是嘀嘀咕咕的。”

4.After we all piled in, the driver continued to mumble and grumble in order to let us know how unhappy he was.上车以后,他嘴里一直叽里咕噜,让我们知道他不高兴。

5.Moreover, the tongue is sometimes loosely hung, and sometimes fastened: as in the case of those who mumble and who psp .此外,舌头有时候松散悬挂,有时候紧凑:就像是那些说话嘀咕和咬舌的人的情况。

6.Jamie looked at the floor. In a mumble, he said, "I guess I don't care. "吉米低头看着地板,嘟囔着:“不关我的事。”

7.After a while, the sleeping Cayce would start to mumble, as though searching for something.过一会儿,睡着的凯西会开始咕哝,好像在寻找什么。

8.Shave, use good grammar, be at least five minutes early, sit up straight. Don't mumble.刮胡子,使用好的语法,早到五分钟,坐直。不要咕咕哝哝地说话。

9.Mumble is just too different, and he is finally cast out of the community.曼宝实在太特别了,最终被赶了出来,不再是帝企鹅的一员。

10.Mumble's dream girl, Gloria, happens to be the best singer around.曼宝的梦中情人格洛丽亚正巧是歌儿唱得最好的一个。