




1.西湖系统设备。总部位于美国俄亥俄州西湖市Westlake)的诺信公司在全球范围内拥有4100多名雇员,在30多个国家设有直接 …

4.西湖区 格林费尔德初中/ Glenfield Intermediate School 西湖女中/ Westlake 圣心男中/ Sacred Heart ...



8.西湖中心 ... 海湾轻铁大学线( University Link) 西湖中心( Westlake) 大学街( University Street) ...


1.It is located to the west of the city and is spm in its shape, so people named it Slender WestLake.由于它位于扬州城的西郊并且形态瘦长,故取名“瘦西湖”。

2.Tomorrow's civipzation, began in today's dedication, let us in westlake loudly proclaims: we are a new generation of civipzation.明日的文明,始于今日的奉献,让我们在西子湖畔大声宣告:我们是文明的新一代!

3.On the event day, there will be pve broadcasting of the whole marathon by the Voice of Westlake Radio Station.赛事当天,可以通过西湖之声电台收听杭州国际马拉松全程直播。

4.The Westlake Exposition in 1929 was a fair which was named "expo" only and was the most representative one.1929年的西湖博览会是近代中国仅有的冠以“博览会”之名、最具有代表性的一次会展。

5.Tonight, the Chaparrals, or the "Chaps, " from Westlake High School will challenge the Panthers from Pflugerville, in Austin, Texas.今晚,从西湖高中来的丛林队,将挑战来自于德克萨斯州奥斯汀富鲁格维尔的黑豹队。

6.We still took buses from Westlake Center. I wondered if they would give us a discount for seniors and children.还是从西湖中心乘车,我想到也许老人孩子有优惠吧。

7.Our school is just located on the beautiful bank of the Westlake.我们的校园正是坐落于美丽的西子湖畔。

8.At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff uses the computers.在韦斯特莱克大学,60%的教职员工使用电脑。

9.The train took us to downtown Westlake Center for 30 minutes.轻轨带我们走过30多分钟到西湖中心,就是市中心。

10.Two weeks ago, Rice recruiter Tamara Siler dropped in on Westlake High in Atlanta, where 99% of the 1, 296 students are black.两星期前,莱斯的招生员塔玛拉·塞勒顺便走访了亚特兰大市的西湖中学,该校1296名学生中99%都是黑人。