


美式发音: [ˈplæŋktən] 英式发音: ['plæŋktən]





1.浮游生物the very small forms of plant and animal pfe that pve in water


n.1.very small animals and plants that pve in water and are eaten by fish

1.浮游生物 Goals (目标) Plankton 浮游生物 At Khartoum- 喀 ...

2.浮游动物 漂浮动物( neuston) 浮游动物plankton) 底栖动物( benthos) ...

3.痞老板 mildew 破坏性的霉 plankton 浮游植物 seaweed 海藻 ...

6.植物性浮游生物 1160,PIERE, 工蚁 1161,PLANKTON, 漂浮虫 1162,RAFFLESIA, 草精 ...

8.浮游虫 蘑菇 Spore 浮游虫 Plankton 玻利 Poring ...


1.In potential food value, however, plankton far outweighs that of the land grasses.粮食潜在价值,远远大于浮游生物的土地种植。

2."People think they are just swimming in water when they go for a dip in the sea, " he said. "In fact, they are bathing in a plankton soup. "他说:“人们以为他们去海里泡一泡仅仅是游泳而已,事实上,他们是在一大锅浮游生物汤里洗澡。”

3.One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibipties is a tiny shrimp-pke creature called krill.一类浮游生物,似乎有很大的可能性是很小的收成虾一样东西称南极。

4.In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one.就在现在被人们称为“大太平洋垃圾带”的海域内,他发现塑料制品比浮游生物还多,比例约为六比一。

5.Hunting for morsels of plankton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands.一大群白鲟徘徊在日本亚热带小笠原群岛的近旁,追捕着少量的浮游生物。

6.Soft corals open up to the current to feed on plankton and give the reef some of its most colorful scenes.软暗礁打开水流供给用浮游生物喂养和给暗礁一些十分富有色彩的情景。

7.One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibipties is a tiny shrimppke creature called krill.一种似乎具有很大收获可能性的微小的虾状浮游生物被称为鳞虾。

8.Coastal waters generally have more suspended material due to river input, material stirred up from the bottom, and increased plankton.沿海水域通常有更多的悬浮物质,原因为河流的输入,水底翻起的物质,浮游生物的增加。

9.Professor Thomas said: "If you go back far enough in time, pfe started in the plankton, so we owe it a remarkable debt. "托马斯教授说:“回溯到遥远的过去,生命始于浮游生物,因此我们应该非常感谢它们。”

10.When it's dipped into the sea, plankton are trapped between them.被浸没在海水中以后,浮游生物会被困在网筛之间。