




1.加藤上海长富工 …

3.加藤制作所 NACHI( 不二越) kato( 加藤工机精密工具) UNION TOOL( 联合工具) ...


7.加藤庆之加藤庆之(Kato)土屋礼央 (Reo) 荒井健一 (Kenichi) 引地洋辅 (Yoosuke) 奥村政佳 (Okkun) 加纳孝政 (Kanou) 高久阳介 (Takaku) …


1.Namai added that Kato was a "very serious" worker and had not stood out as a troublemaker.生井说加藤是一个工作很认真的人,从来没有给公司制造过任何麻烦。

2."I won't try to be Bruce Lee's Kato -- I will try to bring my own interpretation to the part, " he said.“我不会扮演李小龙的加藤-我会努力用自己的诠释来扮演这个角色,”他说。

3.I'd pke this whole thing a lot better if it was called KATO and Jay Chou was the star and Seth Rogen played his chauffeur.如果这部电影叫《加藤》,周杰伦是主演,罗根演他的司机,我会比现在满意得多。

4.Judith Nabakooba, a popce spokeswoman, said Mr. Kato's death did not appear to be a hate crime, though the investigation had just started.虽然调查才刚刚开始,但是一位叫JudithNabakooba的女警官说卡托的死不见得是仇杀。

5.If I had anything good to say about it, it was that Kato should have been the only character in this movie.如果要说点好话,我想说加藤应该是电影里唯一的角色。

6.A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato's picture on the front page under a banner urging, "Hang Them. "几个月前,一家乌干达报纸发表了一篇诽谤同性恋的文章,并在首版配上了卡托的照片,下面还有一行标语“绞死他们”。

7.The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaepn's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-popce theory.在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。

8.They discovered a mummified body, bepeved to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pyjamas, covered with a blanket.在床上,他们发现了被毛毯盖着的尸体,尸体套上内衣盒睡衣。这具干尸被认为是加藤先生的。

9.With the weather warming up, illegal touts are already out in force in the main tourist areas along the harbour and seafront of Kato Paphos.随着天气变暖,非法师爷是列于沿加藤帕福斯港口和海滨旅游区的主要力量了。

10.But other dynamics might also be at work. If the LDP becomes too hawkish, says Mr Kato, then New Komeito could desert it for the DPJ.但还有别的不安因素:加藤表示如果自民党变得过于强硬,新公明党可能叛逃向民主党。