


美式发音: [ˈpɪstən] 英式发音: ['pɪstən]






1.活塞a part of an engine that consists of a short cypnder that fits inside a tube and moves up and down or backwards and forwards to make other parts of the engine move


n.1.the part of an engine that moves up and down to create power

1.活塞 方向盘 steering wheel 活塞 piston 冷冻剂 coolant ...

2.活塞式 piping 配管,管路 piston 活塞,柱塞 piston type cypnder 柱塞式油缸 ...

4.活塞阀键 --阀键-- valve --活塞阀键-- Piston --拍簧-- beating ...

5.动力活塞 PEDAL BRAKE 制动踏板 PISTON 盘式分泵活塞 PISTON PRIMARY 总泵后活塞 ...

7.两活塞 ... 2 Piston( 两活塞) ...... :) [/url] 只用2只手指落 ...

8.打击活塞 护板螺丝( SIDE BOLT) 打击活塞( PISTON) 打击帽( IMPACT CAP) ...


1.and a seapng element and an isolating layer of the piston are directly injected into a whole with a piston steel tyre.它的密封件与隔离层是直接与活塞钢胎注射为一体。

2.The at least one piston ring is configured to meter a flow of diluent between the at least one shroud and the at least one fuel nozzle.该至少一个活塞环构造成在至少一个防护罩和至少一个燃料喷嘴之间计量稀释剂流。

3.To understand why, imagine trying to drive a piston using a container full of heated gas.要理解这是为什么?设想一下,试着在装满加热气体的容器中来推动活塞。

4.Much time was wasted in trying to make piston-engined planes operate at higher altitudes where the air seemed thin and easier to push aside.许多时间消耗在了让活塞发动机在空气稀薄,易偏轨道的高海拔的情况下运行的实验上。

5.This piston arrangement can be placed between the motor and a stop and with a 100 lb gauge will measure motor thrust to 140 lbs.这个活塞的安排,也可以放在之间的汽车和制止,并与一百磅衡量衡量电机推力至140磅。

6.The constant reversal of the piston travel sets up inertia forces, which increase Both with the weight of the piston and with its speed.活塞的不断往复运动产生了惯性力,惯性力随活塞的重量及其速度的增加而增大。

7.The piston is essentially a cypndrical plug that moves up and down in the engine cypnder.实质上活塞是一个在气缸中上下移动的圆筒状的塞子。

8.A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle.二冲程发动机没有移动的阀,火花塞每次点火活塞到达循环顶端。

9.Piston must be able to withstand the heat from the burning air-fuel mixture, plus the heat generated by friction.活塞必须能够承受住空气燃料混合燃烧时所释放出来的热量,以及在此过程中摩擦所生成的热量。

10.The piston moves up and down in the piston chamber primarily in response to changes in intake manifold vacuum.活塞主要因进气歧管真空度的变化而在活塞腔内上下移动。