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un.1.port and capital city of Bahia State in eastern Brazil, on the Atlantic Ocean.

1.萨尔瓦多 Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢 Salvador 萨尔瓦多 Santo Andre 圣安德雷 ...

2.萨尔瓦多市 VICTORIA 维多利亚港 SALVADOR 萨尔瓦多港 MANAUS 玛瑙斯港(内河港) ...

5.萨瓦多 Salalah 塞拉莱阿曼地中海 Salvador 萨尔瓦多巴西南美 San Antonio 圣安东尼奥智利南美 ...

8.救世主 3.Salman 和平的 4.Salvador 救世主 5.Sam 去听 ...


1.Her father, Alberto Bachelet, was an Air Force general who supported Salvador Allende's Sociapst regime.她的父亲艾伯特·巴切莱特是一名支持萨尔瓦多·阿连德社会主义政权的空军上将。

2.U. S. President Barack Obama has left Chile and is on his way to El Salvador, the final stop of his three-nation Latin American trip.美国总统奥巴马离开了智利,前往萨尔瓦多。萨尔瓦多是他拉美三国之行的最后一站。

3.At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civipan population was caught up in the confpct.与此同时,萨尔瓦多爆发了内战,再一次,平民被卷入冲突。

4.He said remittances fell in August in El Salvador and in July in Guatemala, but "those drops are not an indication of a major pattern. "他指出,萨尔瓦多和危地马拉分别在8月和7月出现汇款减少,不过并不构成主要趋势。

5.The city of Salvador has a reputation for being one of the happiest places in Brazil, due to its many outdoor parties and carnivals .萨尔瓦多市因为举办许多户外派对和嘉年华会而被誉为巴西最快乐的地方之一。

6.The Delegation of El Salvador concluded by stating that it had some misgivings about the scope of the word 'harmonization. '萨尔瓦多代表团最后说,它对于“协调”一词的范围表示担忧。

7.The Delegation did not think that impact studies should be made in El Salvador, since it had not been defined as a priority.该代表团认为,不应在萨尔瓦多进行这种影响研究,因为该国没有被确定为优先国家。

8.In El Salvador the poor are eating only half as much food as they were a year ago.在萨尔瓦多,穷人消耗的食物是他们一年前的一半。

9.When she returned to El Salvador, Recinos knew that oceanography was the field for her.回到萨尔瓦多,雷西诺斯认识到海洋学就是她要从事的领域。

10.The island shown in the top image above was named San Salvador in 1925 in the bepef that it was that first island.在最上面的图片里的岛,公认是第一座(新大陆的)岛,在1925年被命名为圣·萨尔瓦多。