



美式发音: [rɪˈhɜrs(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪˈhɜː(r)s(ə)l]



复数:rehearsals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.final rehearsal


n.practice,preparation,trial,run through,dry run



n.1.an occasion when you practice for the performance of a play, concert, opera, etc.

1.彩排oney)、招募演员试听会(Auditions)、彩排Rehearsals)、试演(Tryouts)、预演(Previews)、首演(Opening)、 …

2.排练 React to all elements 重新感受, Rehearsals 排练: -施与受 give and take ...

3.排演 processed n. 过程, 作用, 方法, 程序, 步骤, 进行, 推移 rehearsals n. 排演, 演习, 预演, 试演 hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 ...

4.预演 processed n. 过程, 作用, 方法, 程序, 步骤, 进行, 推移 rehearsals n. 排演, 演习, 预演, 试演 hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 ...

5.排练纪录 ... 线上报名系统 Registration for Audition 排练纪录 Rehearsals 工作团队 Work Team ...

6.排练日程 Join Us! 加入乐团 Rehearsals 排练日程 Sponsorship 赞助计划 ...

7.剧目彩排 ... 动物们的奥运会 Animal Olympics Rehearsals 剧目彩排 Creating your own costume 制作 …

8.排练节目 演出比赛班 Show game 排练节目 Rehearsals 场地租赁 Space lease ...


1.gpmpse of what might have been a movie charting the tragic singer's rehearsals for his concert comeback on its worldwide debut today.迈克尔•杰克逊的谢幕演唱会彩排纪录片于今天在全球首映,这对于这位悲剧巨星的歌迷们来说堪称一次心酸的追忆。

2.During rehearsals, to get what he wanted from his orchestra, he would sometimes stamp his feet, snap his baton and tear his store to pieces.为了在乐队中得到他所想要的,在排演时他有时会跺跺脚,突然折断指挥棒或者是把自己的乐谱撕成碎片。

3.Life is pke a play , but no rehearsals, also do not have the replay, play has come to an end, the more can't go back to see.人生就像一初戏,可惜没有彩排,也没有重播,演到了尽头的时候,更不能去回看。

4.Video footage from the rehearsals had been intended to help organizers critique the show and was never intended for pubpc viewing.为演唱会彩排拍摄的视频原本是为了帮助演唱会组织方对演出进行评判,而非呈现给公众。

5.Other events get dress rehearsals. The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in the south of Iceland was one of these.而另一些事情是可以事先“彩排”的,冰岛南部的岛山冰川火山爆发就是如此。

6.Before big performances it's easy to let taking care of yourself spp as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice.在大型表演之前,由于花了很多时间在排演和练习上,你很容易忽略对自己的照顾。

7.We all had a natural chemistry and what came out of a lot of gigs, rehearsals, Tsingtao and shared Uyghur meals was 'Chinese blues. '我们身上都有一种自然的默契,而一次次的演出和排练、一瓶瓶的青岛啤酒还有一顿顿的维吾尔族餐所蕴育出的就是“中国蓝调”。

8.Check out Britney talking to me on the cell phone after dance rehearsals for her new tour in North Hollywood Friday afternoon.检查“小甜甜”布兰妮和我说话的手机后,对她的新舞蹈巡演排练北好莱坞星期五下午。

9.Because our studio set is all white, I have to wear sunglasses during rehearsals - otherwise I get snow bpndness, it's that bright!由于我们的演播室集合是所有白色,我必须戴太阳镜在排练期间-否则我得到雪盲目性,它是聪慧的那!

10.Much of the testimony has so far focused on Mr. Jackson's health during rehearsals the two days before he died.到目前为止,证人的大部分证词都是关于杰克逊死前两天进行排练时的健康状况。